If you had a lot of fun over the holidays, but are now feeling the bloat, I want you to know you’re not alone.
It’s common to eat a lot of things that aren’t the norm for you during the final weeks of the year.
The holidays can bring up a lot of feelings and nostalgia for us. One of the quickest and easiest ways to tap into t(or avoid) the feelings we associate with the holidays, family, and wintertime is through food.
We can mainline that memory with the smells and tastes that take us right back to a happy time. Or we can self-soothe with food to get through a hard time.
Our minds and hearts love this, and our nervous system might thank us… but a lot of the time, our bodies don’t. 😩
Now that it’s the new year, you might be (more than) ready to change things up and embrace a way of eating that feels better to your body.
You might even be craving lighter, fresher, and more colorful foods.
The most common way people try to shed holiday weight is to turn to a diet.
The dieting industry LOVES to speak very loudly this time of year. With decades of advertising, we’ve all been trained to believe the way to lose weight, feel better, and get healthy is through the two D’s.
Deprivation and discipline.
But the truth is, hunger will not be denied. And discipline has its limits.
Yes, you can temporarily deprive, or even starve yourself into a different body shape. But you will not be able to sustain it.
And it’s not because something is wrong with you.
It’s because your biology won’t let you.
The cruel thing is that the dieting and weight loss industry knows this!
They know people will pay good money to go on a diet, get temporary results, gain it all back (and then some), only to return to the diet to try to lose it again.
As insane as this is, the idea of being able to diet and lose weight still calls to us.
We think, “Maybe this time it will work! Maybe this time I’ll be able to stay disciplined! Maybe this time I’ll keep the weight off!”
This is why the dieting industry is a multi-trillion dollar a year behemoth.
They know they’ve convinced us that if we’ve failed to maintain the diets they push, we’ll blame ourselves, not the broken programs they sell.
I say ENOUGH! to this toxic way of trying to lose weight.
ENOUGH to this toxic way of treating ourselves!
I have a very different approach that works.
I believe it’s far better to go along with what the body and its biology are wired to do.
Instead of taking away foods and putting the body into a starvation mode, why don’t we ADD foods in?
Instead of having to stay motivated and disciplined with LESS, why not give ourselves MORE?
Here are some ideas for how to do this:
Add more leafy greens into your diet in the form of green juices, green smoothies, and a side or entrée sized salad. 🌱
Drink more water to hydrate your body, give your skin a dewy glow, and all your organs and glands an easier go at their daily tasks. 💧
Move your body more, in any way that feels good to you – walks, dance, yoga, swimming, sex with a loved one, you choose. 💃
Give yourself more love in how you speak to yourself, and how you see yourself. You are a waking miracle every day! 💗
Breathe more. Take breathing breaks to saturate your body and brain with oxygen, calm your nervous system, and reduce stress. 💨
Add more color to your plate at every meal – which means more fruits, and veggies (which also means more antioxidants, phytonutrients, and fiber!) 😍
Add more of everything and anything that is live giving to you. Let these things begin to crowd out all that no longer feels that way. 🌈
Most women with a weight loss or health goal start the new year with a punishing mindset.
They’re going to tame their cravings and make their bodies and their hunger submit.
They’re going to triumph over calorie deprivation and discipline their bodies into a different shape.
Hear me when I say I’m all for transformation and becoming the image of your imagination.
But I believe this can be done in a kinder, better, and far more pleasurable way.
Starting the new year with more kindness toward your body, not less, is far more effective and sustainable.
It creates much more freedom as you walk the journey of shapeshifting and body transformation, too. And who doesn’t want more freedom?!?
The MORE way is sustainable. The MORE way will get you lasting results.
The MORE way will help you create a new and better relationship with your body and with food – one that feels natural, healthy, positive, and easy to maintain.
Which approach sounds better to you?
PS: My MORE approach is just the tip of the iceberg when comes to transforming your body and your relationship with food.
If what I shared above resonates with you, I’d love to invite you to set up a private conversation with me – because I can help!
I’ve opened up time in my calendar for 6 conversations this month, so please act quickly! Simply reply to this email and we will find a time to talk.
PPS: I know it might feel scary to reach out for a session with me – because it means you admit you want something better, something… MORE for yourself. More health. More confidence. More energy. More freedom from all that is weighing you down.
I see you, and I know this: talking with me can put you on the path to MORE much faster and with greater ease than you think! ❤
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