I’ve had to really examine and unwind all of the ways I’ve felt like I have to do it all, even if it doing it all compromised my health. I mean, I’m supposed to be the one to do it all. Right?
My inner thoughts and fears have gone around and around…
Who do I think I am?
What does it say about me if I can’t handle things on my own?
I should be able to do it all.
Am I a failure if I have support?
What will people think?
Am I really that incapable of doing it myself?
If I bring in more support it has to be only because I really, really need it.
Won’t it cost too much?
Won’t I owe other people if I ask for their help?
And then I saw that not letting more support into my life was keeping me stuck, small, and fighting with myself.
I realized I could be better in every area of my life with more support. I saw how my ability to be the kind of mother, friend, creator, coach, artist and business woman I want to be was being seriously compromised because I was exhausted all of the time. And that’s what shifted everything for me.
I had to take a stand for myself by saying, ‘I’m important. My health and happiness are important. My relationships, business, home and child are important.’
But even after I found the support I was looking for, I watched myself slide into thinking I had to prove I really needed the support – look at how tired I am, look at how busy I am, look at how much there is to do, look at how much I’m suffering…
I saw that I wasn’t fully owning something. I wasn’t acknowledging who I am. I wasn’t accepting something SO important and essential about myself.
I do things differently than most.
I hold myself in very high regard.
I take risks.
I know what I want and need.
I don’t look for permission from others to do things in ways that serve and support me.
And I no longer shrink, try to hide, or apologize for being who I am – especially when other people react to me in less than kind ways.
I am a woman who wanted and needed incredible support in her life. I am a woman who has let that level of support in so that I can flourish.
THIS is what honoring yourself looks like. THIS is choosing yourself.
As you step into a new week, I want to remind you that…
You don’t have to do it all alone
You don’t have to suffocate, struggle or suffer
You don’t have to prove your worth or prove you can
You don’t have to believe that assistance is a sign of weakness
What if instead of having to prove you really need it, or letting things get really desperate before you’ll let it in, or having to show that it is, in fact, a vital necessity for your well-being and sanity…
What if instead you chose to live in a way where incredible support simply IS?
What if instead of struggling and holding that struggle as proof that you’ve earned and deserve support…
What if you let yourself simply be a woman who has incredible support in her life?
What if you let yourself be THAT woman?
Who would benefit?
What could you create?
What goodness would you magnetize into your life?
How would your health and vitality improve?
What opportunities could open up for you?
A woman who chooses herself knows when to ask for help, when to rest, when to let someone else take over, when to delegate, when to triage and prioritize, when to receive support… she even has the right people around her who want to champion and help her, too.
A self-honoring woman knows that her value does not lie in her struggle but in her ability to show up as the best version of herself – for herself and those around her. This means she must tend to her own needs, wants and desires FIRST.
Instead of telling yourself success isn’t real unless you do it all yourself, try telling yourself that your success is inevitable because you are allowing yourself to be supported all along the way.
Seeking and receiving the support you require is a sign of genuine courage. It means you want to feel good. Remember, you feeling good will not only transform your life, but the lives of everyone you love and impact, too.
So, what if you were THAT woman? What then?
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