This time of year is notoriously known as the “flu season”, the time of year when we all get a little run down and become more susceptible to colds and sore throats. Below are my top 5 tips for staying healthy during this busy and joyful time of year.
1) Wash your hands frequently throughout the day. Germs are spread most easily through hand contact, so wash your hands often to prevent the spread of those unwanted germs.
2) Take probiotics for a healthy immune system. Did you know more than 90% of your immune system lives in your intestines? Populate it with healthy bacteria by taking a daily probiotic and eating healthy fermented foods like raw sauerkraut, kim chee and kefir.
3) Get your greens in! Leafy greens are highly alkalizing to the blood and body, creating an internal ecosystem that is unfriendly to pathogens and flu bugs. An alkaline environment creates health and helps prevent dis-ease. Leafy greens also help to feed healthy gut bacteria and re-balance your system after holiday party indulgences, so eat them every day.
4) Rest more. The natural rhythms and cycles all around us are beckoning us inward to rest more. So sleep an extra hour when you can, take a cat nap on your weekend, and allow yourself more “down time” this time of year. Resting allows the body to recuperate faster and recover from stress, overwork and a run down immune system.
5) Take time to do things that nourish you on many levels. Spend time with loved ones, prepare a healthy dish and take it to that holiday party, bundle up and take a walk outdoors, cultivate an attitude of gratitude. All of these things open our hearts and nurture our loving nature, which creates and sustains health on every level.
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