I’ve undergone some cataclysmic events in this very colorful chapter of my life, including a 7-day hospital stay, nearly dying while giving birth to my son, years of deeply uncomfortable health issues that followed, an extremely painful divorce (this is the first time I’ve spoken of it publicly), and the very deliberate process of recreating my life while being a single mom to my little 4-year-old maniac (and sweet, sweet boy).
To say these past few years have taken their toll on my appearance would be an understatement. Sometimes I feel like the poster child for what extreme stress can do to a woman. 😉 At other times I just feel super grateful that I’ve lived everything I’ve lived. It’s been so rich!
I’m learning to love myself in a completely new way and at an entirely new level now – one that’s more unconditional than ever before – without resigning myself to just accept there’s nothing I can do to improve it. It’s a fine line to walk – to love myself now while also taking steps towards something that’s not here yet – and it’s required a lot of surrender and trust on my part.
That’s why I want to share that while all of this craziness has been going on in my personal life, I’ve also received a lot of very kind comments about my appearance. I’m always very grateful for words like these, but in all fairness, I haven’t always felt completely worthy of them. I always say, “Thank you!”, and I do receive these comments to a degree…
But I’ve also come up with some witty ways to deflect and reject those kindnesses. I might say something like, “It’s amazing what a good haircut and some makeup will do!” with a grin and a giggle. But then I realized that these lovely reflections are really about something else.
The reflections I’m receiving are less about my appearance, and more about the life force that’s moving through me. In response to this life force, my skin does glow. There’s a bright fire that fuels the light in my eyes. And my zest for life is contagious.
How did this life force grow? What’s the secret to my radiance?
I could say that it’s because I choose a very clean, healthy diet that’s deeply in alignment with my body’s needs.
I could say that it’s because I drink a lot of water every day, and I move my body on a regular basis.
I could say that it’s because of a lot of things I’m doing to support my health and beauty, because those things are all important and true, to a degree.
But the biggest reason why I radiate an energy that people are compelled to comment on and want for themselves is because I have decided to choose life for myself – again, and again, and again.
I’ve made a decision inside of myself that I’m going to live my life. And this, more than anything else, has elevated my appearance and helped me to consistently activate my vitality, radiance, and power, even amidst one of the most challenging periods of my life.
I make my choices based upon how life affirming something is.
Does it promote and give life? Or does it deplete?
Does it replenish and fill? Or does it exhaust and drain?
Does it light me up? Or does it feel heavy or dark?
Does it align with my values and desires? Or does it feel obligatory, and like I have no choice?
When I honor and choose the things that promote and inspire the LIFE in my life, they enhance and elevate the other things in my world, too.
This is a lifestyle that creates more life, more vibrancy, and more joy. And it’s not the norm. There are so many things in the world today that consistently detract from life itself.
But if you’re ready to give yourself permission to have what you want, to look and feel your best, and to radiate LIFE… then it’s time for you to choose life every opportunity you get.
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