The power of the mind is truly incredible. But like anything that is powerful, it can be used for positive change, or it can completely sabotage our best intentions. Below are the top 6 toxic beliefs many of us hold about our relationship to food and our bodies. These toxic thoughts can sabotage our health, happiness, and the calorie-burning ability of our metabolism! Really!
1) Dietary fat is bad- it makes me fat
2) Food makes me fat
3) Food is my enemy
4) Less food + more exercise = less weight
5) My diet and my body must be perfect
6) If only I looked or ate a certain way, then I’d be happy….
More than likely you hold one or more of these beliefs. And if you do, I encourage you to come to terms with these 2 truths: 1) These beliefs are wrecking havoc on your body, your immune system, your metabolism and your self worth; and 2) These beliefs are totally false and can be replaced by life enhancing, metabolism boosting, immune strengthening, life affirming thoughts. The choice is truly yours.
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