There is a huge misconception that’s infected the self-help-spiritual-personal-growth circles in recent years, and it’s hurting the very women who are devoting their precious time, energy and resources into becoming a better version of themselves.
So many believe that…
Doing yoga
Working with a life or health coach
Going to therapy
Signing up for the retreat or workshop
Courageously pushing their edges to heal past wounds
All the things we do to become better humans…
… is in and of itself, “the work”.
It is not.
The real work is taking your hard-earned healing, your greater awareness, your elevated consciousness, your enlightened self out into the world to help shine light and create positive change.
The real work is BEING THE CHANGE you want to see in the social, political, financial and economic spheres across the globe.
How you create that change is completely and totally up to you.
Maybe it’s by raising amazing, socially-self-aware-uber-confident kids.
Maybe it’s through your professional work in the world.
Maybe it’s by inspiring your neighborhood to pick up trash once a month as a group activity.
Maybe it’s by hosting a bake-sale to raise money for legal services for black women in prison.
Maybe it’s through canvasing for LGBTQ+ rights and resources.
Maybe it’s you running for political office or supporting the campaign of someone else.
Maybe it’s by writing a book, or going back to school to become a lawyer, or creating a foundation, or…
Can you see that this is the real work?
The yoga, meditation, coaching, therapizing, retreating and workshopping is a means to an even greater end.
The world needs women like you who are devoted to healing and elevating self-awareness and consciousness.
We need you in the realms of education, politics, the literary world, government, environmentalism, nutrition, art, childcare, science, activism, engineering…
Now more than ever, the world needs you to shine your light into the dark places – the very places you know have become toxic, corrupt and morally bankrupt.
Can you see that truly honoring yourself means taking this next step, getting off your meditation cushion and out into the world?
Because the work that you’re doing on you isn’t only for you. It’s for those you love. It’s for the generations that have come before and those that are still to come. It’s for the world. It’s for those whose voices are underrepresented, whose privileges are less, whose resources are fewer, whose access has been restricted or denied, and for those whose suffering is greater than your own.
What lights a fire in your belly? What ignites your passion and ferocity? What motivates and inspires you to DO something to create a better world – for yourself and the generations to come?
THIS is your work. THIS is yours to do.
Imagine how different your life would be if you actually followed through on the things that really matter to you.
Imagine how different the world would be if we were all doing what is ours to do – following through on our personal work and heeding our passionate calling.
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