How would you feel if I were to tell you that your current relationship to beauty and luxury is leaving a million unclaimed dollars on the table for you? How can I say this? Well, if you’re not in alignment in your relationship with beauty and luxury, then it’s safe to say that within your business or your life, on an annual basis you are turning away or blocking 6-figures of income per year because of your discomfort around one or both areas of your life.
The secret to getting in synch with this is to really know who you are, what you’re about, what’s important to you. These things can be easily discerned when you take the time to connect with your soul. I outlined how to do this in the free call I ran last week, and I’ll be offering it again on Friday April 10th, 2015. (Click here for all of the info and to register.)
For now I want to offer you a powerful coaching exercise that will really make it clear to you just how much your out of synch relationship with beauty and luxury is really costing you. Let’s dive right in!
- List out the top 10 ways you would show up differently in your life if money were no object. Think about what you would wear, how you would take care of yourself, how you might relate to others differently, the ways you might give to others, the gifts you might give, the places where you might choose to spend time, and the people you might meet…
- List out the top 10 things you would do differently in your business if money were no object. Consider what you might wear when you work with customers and clients, the kinds of events you might offer, how your office might look different, the goodie bags you could provide, the opportunities you could create, how your business itself might look different aesthetically…
- Now consider the kind of people you would attract into your business if you were fully embodying and offering all of these things. Do you think you might attract higher-paying clients? Do you believe you might meet and partner up with amazing people who could help you share your gifts with the world on a larger scale? Might you become a magnet for prosperity, positivity and wealth simply because you are feeling and looking your best and showing up that way in every area of your life?
- How would 2 or 5 or 25 high-paying clients change your financial picture? How is that different from you current reality? How would collaborating with another high-flying entrepreneur (who just happened to be magnetically drawn to your beauty…) help elevate your visibility and income? If you actually felt confident and beautiful in your skin and finally made that video series you’ve been putting on hold, how many people could you reach with your vital message? Take the time to actually figure out the numbers here. When you have that final number, circle it so there’s no forgetting it.
This is the current cost of not really being in synch with beauty and luxury in your life. I say current, because this cost becomes cumulative. The longer you put this off, the more costly this gets. And the costs aren’t only financial.
When you know you want and even need to do something, but you don’t do anything about them, it’s not something that goes away and disappears. These kinds of things actually eat away at and erode confidence – the very thing that is so pivotal in your business and your life.
Without confidence, we live in paralysis and hesitation. Nothing happens when we’re paralyzed. When we hesitate we energetically send the message out into the world that we’re not ready for the things we deeply desire. This can become a vicious cycle that can lead to feeling overwhelmed, incapable and utterly defeated.
This is not where success, happiness and fulfillment live.
It’s time to really take a serious look at what your current relationship with beauty and luxury are really costing you. If it’s sabotaging your best efforts and keeping you playing small, then the price that you’re paying is very high, and likely very painful, too.
Your dreams are waiting for you, and they are within reach. You simply have to clear a path and move the things that are in your way. You can do this! And it begins with getting clear on where you are now, what’s at stake, and what’s possible for you when you take clear sighted, powerful action on your own behalf.
Will you join me?
To learn more about how you can get in synch with beauty and luxury by connecting with your soul, join me on Friday, April 10 2015 for a FREE tele class. Click here for all of the details and to register.
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