So many women are doing their best to eat “right”. They’re following the latest nutritional advice. They’re doing their best to balance their plates, make good choices, and not get caught up in dietary fads that create more harm than good.
And yet… you may still feel tired. Your weight won’t budge. Your cravings have a mind of their own. And no matter what you try, you’re left wondering, *What the hell am I actually supposed to eat?*
You’re not alone in this. There is a never-ending stream of conflicting advice about food.
One day carbs are the enemy. The next, they’re the latest and greatest superfood you MUST eat.
Fats have been demonized, then glorified. Then demonized again.
Protein? Too much, too little, only from plants, only from animals… WTAF?!?.
So, here is what you need to know about what actually works:
Your body doesn’t need rules. It needs balance.
All three macronutrients – protein, fats and carbs – play a crucial role in your energy, metabolism, and brain function.
But when we swing too far in one direction (through keto-focused warriors and carb-fearing diet culture), we throw our bodies into survival mode.
There are certain circumstances when a ketogenic diet, or a very low carb diet might be appropriate. But for the average woman who wants to lose weight or reclaim energy, or just look and feel better – these diets are not the way.
Now – let’s bust some myths.
- Carbs are NOT the enemy. They do not “make you fat”. Your brain literally runs on glucose! But not all carbs are created equal. Whole, fiber-rich carbs (think sweet potatoes, quinoa, and low-glycemic fruits) are wildly different from refined, blood-sugar-spiking convenience foods.
- Fat doesn’t make you fat. It stabilizes hormones, fuels your brain, and keeps your metabolism humming. But quality matters. Avocados, nuts, olive oil? Yes, please. Processed, hydrogenated garbage junk? Hard pass.
- Protein is your body’s building block. But loading up on protein alone won’t magically give you energy, make you bulk up, or help you lose weight. Balance is key.
So what the do you need to eat for energy, weight loss, and mental clarity?!?
My biggest recommendation for women today is to let go of restrictive food rules. Diet culture has taught you how not to eat. It’s time you flipped the script and learned how to truly nourish yourself in a way that supports hormone health, a kick ass metabolism, and your body’s natural rhythms.
🎯 Aim for a balanced plate.
🥬 Fill half your plate with colorful, fiber-rich veggies. These are your gut-loving, nutrient-dense powerhouses that will help you to look and feel your best.
🧩 Include quality protein – animal or plant-based. Aim for clean, whole sources that work well for YOUR body.
🍎 Don’t shy away from carbs. Focus on slow-digesting, whole-food carbs that keep you full and energized.
🛎 Add healthy fats. Avocado, nuts, seeds, olive oil, coconut—these are your friends, not your foes.
When you eat like this, something magical happens:
– Your energy levels become steady. No more mood swings or blood sugar rollercoaster.
– Your body stops clinging to weight in self-defense (starvation) mode.
– Your brain fog clears. You’re faster, sharper, and can think more clearly. Creativity soars.
If you’re sick of the guesswork and want real, sustainable results, let’s get your body back on track—without the dieting and deprivation drama.
You deserve to feel amazing in your body. No more guessing. No more food guilt. Just clarity, energy, and a way of eating that finally makes sense.
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