December is a wonderful time of year. You might dream about enjoying the holiday lights and gift exchanges with loved ones, time spent with those who mean the most to you and cozying up by a fire with a cup of something warm in hand. But your typical holiday experience might be very different than this.
Instead of feeling all warm and fuzzy inside, you might be pulling your hair out (even a little bit) trying to get everything done. You might worry about disappointing or hurting someone’s feelings if your gift isn’t perfect, if you choose not to attend that holiday party, or if you choose to take care of yourself and your needs during that often drama filled family gathering.
Add these things to a long list that might include buying, writing and sending holiday cards, buying and wrapping gifts, planning and prepping for that holiday party, deciding what you’re going to wear and what you’re going to eat, how on earth you’re going to manage everything that’s on your to-do list, and how you’re going to show up the way you desire in your professional life and relationships… and you have the perfect mix for a stressed out, exhausted, over-extended and less-than-magical holiday experience.
You might even be laughing at the idea that you could actually slow down as we drift into December, and that bringing more peace, luxury and heartfelt meaning into this time of year could even be part of your experience. But I assure you, it’s completely possible!
If you’re willing to step out of the patterns that you have created around the holidays – like last minute shopping on Christmas Eve, or feeling obligated to do things that don’t actually feel good to you – then you can choose and create an amazing holiday season that feels restorative, magical and meaningful to you. But, this does require that you resist the temptation to go on autopilot and instead, you try doing something better feeling and new this time around.
Here are my top tips for slowing down in December so you can truly enjoy the season:
- Choose a theme for your holidays – bubbly, exuberant, restorative, quiet, miraculous, awe-inspiring, luxurious, nourishing, celebratory… and make all of your decisions based on your theme – what you say yes to, what you say no thank you to, what you wear, what you choose to indulge in… and watch the magic of your holiday season unfold before your eyes!
- Get clear on how you want to feel, and then get clear on the experiences and opportunities that allow that feeling to come forward, and those that squelch it. Choose more of the ones that allow that feeling to come forward, and really question your motivation for doing the things that leave you feeling drained, exhausted, closed-hearted and resentful.
- Complete your shopping in advance – not just a day or so in advance, but a couple of weeks in advance. You will be amazed by how good it feels to be complete with your shopping list well in advance. It’s easy to do, especially if you shop online. And just think about all of the free time (and mental space) you’ll enjoy!
- Say yes to the gift-wrapping options that are available to you when you order online, or if a store offers this as a complimentary time saving service. Unless wrapping gifts is something that you really enjoy doing yourself, why not pass it on to someone else to do for you? If it’s something that you want to do yourself, then make certain you plan for buying the gift wrap and putting it all together well in advance.
- Make the buying, writing and sending of your holiday cards a fun and luxurious experience for yourself. Take yourself to shop for your cards, and then take yourself some place beautiful for coffee, tea, or a lovely lunch. You can write your holiday cards then and there, enjoy being pampered and looked after, and write from your heart. What a way to completely re-frame this part of your holiday experience!
- Set a date in your calendar for when you want to be complete with all of your holiday errands, tasks and to-dos. If you give yourself this kind of self-honoring goal, it will create more time and space for yourself and your enjoyment this year.
- Plan a fun outing or holiday-themed experience for yourself and someone special in your life to help you get into the holiday spirit. It could be something like going to see the Nutcracker ballet or a holiday movie at your local cinema. You could make an evening out of going to see Christmas lights in your local city, or getting together with loved ones to bake cookies!
- Flex your “no thank you” muscles so you that you can enjoy the space and time you desire for yourself. Say yes to the things that feel good to you, and no to the things that feel like they are detracting from the holiday experience you really desire. You can set boundaries that feel liberating, luxurious and self-honoring.
- Do your best to see each experience through the eyes of a child, and allow the magic and wonder of the season to fill you up no matter what’s going on around you. Time moves very slowly for children because they can easily be in the moment. Try this for yourself and watch time slow down!
When you have a clear idea about the kind of holiday experience that you want to have, you can create it from beginning to end. It’s easy to get swept up in the ways you’ve always done things, in the family traditions that don’t really meet your needs and desires, and in the hurried pace that everyone else is keeping.
How good will it feel to you to plan your holidays to be exactly what you desire them to be, and to put your plan for slowing down into action right away? It could very well make all of the difference in how much you enjoy your December!
If you’re looking for a little extra inspiration to make space in your life for all of your desires – in the holiday season and beyond – then be certain to join me on Tuesday, 13th December, 2016 for my “Make Space for Your Intoxicating 2017” workshop!
Click here to learn more and to register.
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