As you can imagine, I’ve had a lot to think about these past several months. Amidst all of the physical discomforts, lack of sleep, and rapid changes that were taking place, I uncovered a pretty powerful misconception that I was holding about life that really shocked me to my core.
I realized that deep down, in a dark little corner of my mind, I had a belief that I couldn’t have what I really wanted.
There was a little voice, small and nearly inaudible, saying, “See! All of this misery and pain is proof that you can’t have what you really want. Only really special people get to have what they want. There’s nothing special about you. So suck it up, and just make the best out of what you’ve been given. Don’t ask for more. Don’t expect more. Don’t even dream about more. You already have far more than most!”
I tell you, this little voice really rocked me!
And then it dawned on me that no matter how far along the path of personal discovery and spiritual growth you are, you’re going to hear these little voices that will have you believing that it’s not okay to dream, it’s not okay to ask for what you really want, and that it’s better to be content with the status quo.
Do you ever find yourself judging yourself (or even another woman) for dreaming really big? For desiring more? For thinking, even for a moment, that you could go beyond where you are right now? (I mean, who are you to do that?!?)
This is what I want you to know, and what really helped me come to terms with what I thought was my inner saboteur.
These little voices feel like they are trying to stop you, but really they are only trying to protect you. They are actually very powerful allies who want you to be happy, healthy, and loved. Their allegiance is to you and your well being.
These voices sound negative and fearful because they’re acting as your super conservative guardian who wants to be certain that you don’t get hurt. They feel like saboteurs because you’re ready to grow beyond where you are now, and you’ve outgrown the protection that those voices are offering.
The growth that you require to do is going to ask you to step out of the status quo, do something different, and take some risks.
If you don’t risk failing, getting hurt, or stepping outside of your comfort zone, you’ll never know what you’re truly capable of. You’ll never know just how good your life could look and feel, or what it will be like to receive your dreams and everything you’ve always wanted.
So, what did I do with my little inner voice?
I didn’t drown it out, I didn’t try to distract myself from it, and I didn’t ignore it either. I listened to it, I thanked it, I explained to it that I needed to see what else was possible in my life, and then I offered this loyal, protective voice a new job!
I asked it if it would please help me with everything I was going to need to step into my next chapter and dreams. I gave it the task of helping me dream bigger, shine more brightly, serve in a greater capacity, and yes – be happy, healthy and loved all along the way.
Not only did this little voice agree to step into this new role, but it came up with ways that it could support me that I wouldn’t have come up with on my own.
I want you to know that you have a whole team of allies inside of you who are probably masquerading around as shadows, saboteurs, and negativity. But if you take a few moments to really listen to them, to see how they are trying to protect you, and feel how devoted they are to you, you’ll discover a beautiful opportunity to reassign them to a new and powerful role that can really support you and your dreams.
Your dreams and desires are so important! They are the calling of your soul, asking you to step into a new experience that will help you learn, stretch and grow. They are the seeds of the beauty that you are here to share with the world, and the pleasure that is yours to experience every step of the way.
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