One of the most overlooked steps to becoming a Self-Honoring woman is to reclaim your body for yourself.
If you have no idea what I’m talking about, you’re not alone! Most women don’t realize they have never fully claimed their bodies for themselves, or that it’s even something they need to do.
Here’s a question to help you determine if you know, through and through, that your body is your own:
How often do you let yourself fully enjoy…
• Food
• Being naked
• Sex
• Resting when you’re tired
• Speaking exactly what’s on your mind
• Spending money on yourself
• Doing something just for yourself
If any of these things are challenging for you (trust me when I say, these things are challenging for almost every woman), then it’s a sign that on some level you don’t’ feel you have permission to do or have or fully enjoy these things.
When you reclaim your body for yourself, you reclaim dominion and choice over your body. Your opinion and thoughts about yourself are louder than what you fear other people are thinking or saying about you.
Your love for yourself is louder and stronger than all of the ways the systems of domination and power try to control you (a.k.a. patriarchy, white supremacy, beauty standards, etc.).
Clearly, reclaiming your body for yourself is not a small thing.
Reclaiming your body includes taking her back from all of the ways our culture has taught her she’s not enough, her only worth is in her beauty, her pleasure is shameful, or that she is fragile, broken, and unlovable.
It asks you to identify all the ways you’ve inherited a reflexive tendency to criticize, hate, and live in constant judgment of your body – and think nothing of it.
It requires you to recognize all the ways women’s bodies (and quite possibly your own) have been sexualized, used, owned, violated and abused throughout the centuries – and how the same dynamic still plays out today and makes women feel inherently unsafe in just about every corner of the world.
It requires you to bringing more awareness to the ways outside influences, the crap you inherited from patriarchal culture, and all of the ways your ancestry, religion, and caste systems have impacted your ability to fully and joyfully reside inside of your own body.
It requires you to do the necessary inner work to not only feel, but know your body is yours to do with as you wish.
That you have the ultimate say in what happens to her. And that you value her for the incredible temple she is – especially when she doesn’t meet someone else’s ridiculous standards of what is good.
Part of reclaiming your body is to listen to her, and over time to trust in her wisdom. You get to know the signs and signals she gives to you, and how to best respond to them. You become invested in creating an intimate and loving relationship with her,
When you have an intimate relationship with your body, you anticipate how she’s going to respond to things, and you provide the best support for her. You respect and honor her because you recognize how important and valuable she is.
Ultimately, reclaiming your body for yourself allows you to feel safe in your own skin. Because when you commit to never abandoning yourself again – for anything or anyone – deep healing is possible. You’re home, and you’re whole.
Most women have never created this for themselves, let alone been taught that it is something that needs to happen if we want to live rich, beautiful, and fulfilling lives.
But think of it this way – if it weren’t for your body, where would you live?
And why wouldn’t you want where you live to feel safe? Well cared for and deeply nourished? Beautiful from the inside out? Powerful, sovereign and free?
It might be high time to get busy reclaiming your body for yourself. You’ll never be the same once you do, and that is a very good thing!
Love these suggestions to reclaim my body, my wisdom, my sovereignty!