As you stand at the threshold
The end of one cycle
And the beginning of
Something new
My wish for you is
That you take time
To reflect and feel
And let what you
Discover inform
Whatever is next
For you
Let your inner guidance
Show you what is next
Instead of allowing
Guilt or shame to dictate
What is and isn’t
What is and isn’t
Right for you
Only you can know what
Is truly important to you
Only you can know what
You are being called to
Only you can know what
Is aligned for you and
What is not
Only you can say YES or
NO to the
Opportunities that
Come knocking
Only you can organize
And arrange your life
Or not
Some questions to
Ask yourself as you
Navigate all the choices
And all the pulls and tugs
So many and so much always
Vying for your
Attention and energy
What answers do you hear when you ask yourself
What do I want?
Does this make me feel alive?
Is the life-giving or life-draining?
What do I need right now?
What will feel good not only
Now but in the long run?
What do I feel called to?
Am I willing to answer the call?
All these questions can help
Guide you toward a New Year
That is fulfilling
Meaning filling your cup
To fullness
Not just a New Year that is
Productive or filled with
Achievements but a
Year of richness and joy
And all the things you cannot put
A price on that mean so much
I wish for you the courage to
Listen to the truth that lives
Inside of you
The audacity to make choices
Perhaps no one will understand
But you
The daring to play by rules
You create for yourself
I hope you discover and honor
The deep want inside of you
That hungers for what you
Haven’t yet experienced
The longing that is so
Palpable you can’t not
Pursue what is in your heart
I wish for you the beauty
That emerges when you
Fully listen to and surrender
Any ego-based ideas of
How things should be or look
Or feel
I wish for you the inner wisdom
To shrug off the rules you didn’t
Agree to
Wave goodbye to the expectations
That were never yours
To boldly walk in the direction
Of your heart because
You know that is the only
Way you will ever feel
Like your true self
I wish this journey of becoming
More of who you are
To be yours in 2023
And beyond
The journey of all journeys
That is yours to uncover
And explore for you
I wish for you passion
And fortitude
I wish you peace
But most of all I wish
You love
Love for yourself
Beyond anything you’ve
Given to yourself up
Until now
Love for this life you’ve
Been given
Love for the adventures
That await
May 2023 bring you
Gifts and discoveries
Beyond your wildest
May this new year
Mark a turning point
In your life
When you finally decide
To start living
And when you discover what
That really and truly means
For you
All my love,
Thanks for the article!