Have you noticed how the science and study of nutrition continually evolves?
At one time, the biggest news in nutrition was all about how bad saturated fat is for you, and how you should use margarine instead of butter.
Then, the news was all about how bad margarine is for you because it’s essentially a tub of trans fats that cause oodles of health problems.
Then there was a period of time when all anyone talked about was how bad all fats were, and how important it was to eat low fat or fat free.
These days, the current “evil” lurking in our diets is carbohydrates. Everyone is counting carbs, tracking carbs, trying to reduce carbs… (I have much to say about this in another article for another day).
It is clear that not only do we not know, with absolute certainty, what we should eat to be healthy, vibrant and well-nourished, but neither do the experts.
Yes, there are many nutritional systems that are highly regarded. Yes, there is even scientific research to back up those systems.
But have you noticed, oddly enough, that many of these nutritional systems contradict one another?
It’s no wonder we’re all deeply confused about what to eat.
The truth is that nutrition itself is a new and young science. It is still growing and developing. There isn’t a lot of agreement about what everyone should eat – and perhaps that’s for good reason.
Honestly, there are a lot of things that influence an “ideal diet”. Things like:
Age Level of health Genetics
Sex Lifestyle practices Health goals
Climate you live in Your culture Personal preferences
Geographic location Level/type of exercise you do Desire
Taking all of this into consideration, it’s clear that an ideal diet for each of us is going to change during the course of our life.
The answer to the question, “WHAT DO I EAT?” is ever changing, just as you are.
So, how do we do this thing called feed and nourish self?
With everything I’ve learned and studied, my answer to this question might be different than you’d expect.
There is almost always something useful in what any nutritional system or health expert has to say about what we humans should be eating. But ultimately, you and your body are the authorities. That is where our attention needs to go.
Try different approaches. Learn. Seek advice and guidance. Be open. Experiment.
In 2000, when I was studying to be a massage therapist, I experimented with various ways of eating. I discovered rather quickly that my body does not get along with soy. Not even a little bit. But more vegetables? Lentils, beans and peas? YES. My body definitely liked that.
I was a vegan raw foodie for 14 years, and then my body very clearly demanded animal protein. I have maintained a lot of the beautiful dietary practices that came from the raw food system, by I felt better after eating some high quality meat, and I continue to feel that way even today.
Can you see how even a little bit of information from a different dietary choice or system, coupled with listening to your body and inner wisdom, can empower you to make better choices for yourself?
As humans, we love comfort, consistency and predictability. But if you’ve gone on autopilot with the way you eat and now you’re dealing with bloat, fatigue, or feeling hangry by 10am (hangry = hungry + angry = miserable), then your body could be telling you it’s time to make a change.
Get support to discover what works well for you and what doesn’t. Try something different. Listen to the feedback your body gives to you. Find what is good and nourishing to you today.
If you’re ready to discover how to listen to your body, nourish yourself for who you are today, increase your vitality, let go of the confusion, and become the kind of eater who knows when things are working well and when they are not…
Reach out. Let’s chat. I can help!
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