It’s been very nearly 2 months since my last communication with you, and it’s been a truly rich time in my life. My intention for taking this hiatus was to honor a very clear message inside of me that knew I needed more space and time in my life.
Nearly every woman I know feels this way. So many women feel like they’re barely keeping up with their lives, and that if they let go of anything, everything will just fall apart and crumble.
But space and time are two of those curious things. When they’re not there, we crave them. When we have them, it feels really strange and uncomfortable for them to be there – like we should fill them with… something!
We’re not taught how to slow down. Speed up? Yes. But slow down? Why would we do that?
When I knew I needed to press pause, it was scary to even consider it. I honestly had to gather my courage and really TRUST the process. I had to let go of having an agenda, and of believing I had to have something to show for the break I was going to take – to prove it was “worth it” and that I deserved it.
There was something very old and judgmental that had been living inside of me, and it was loosening its grip. It was preparing to make its final exit. This hiatus gave it the space it needed to leave, once and for all!
Here’s a brief snapshot of some of the things that have happened that couldn’t have without my recent hiatus:
- I had the time and space to really feel my life – not always easy, but very beautiful!
- I let go of the things that weren’t working – I just let. them. go.
- I listened to my inner guidance – what does my soul want me to know right now?
- I asked big questions like: What does it look like when I am living my life as my soul? What about my life do I really love, and what am I ready to release? What is the best path forward for me at this time? What do I crave?
- I simplified my approach to my business and my life. Simple is spot on, for now.
- I invited more of the feminine into the different aspects of my life – something I’ll be sharing about more in the weeks and months to come
- I began to effortlessly receive new insights, inspirations and information about the next level of Soul-Luxe Living
Taking this time and creating this space for myself was exactly what I needed. Even if the new epiphanies around my business hadn’t shown up, this time was incredibly valuable and important to my growth as a woman.
I realize now that every woman requires and deserves space and time. Space and time are where passion, possibility and pleasure live. And women thrive when all three are present in their lives.
How I “do” my days has shifted, and productivity is beginning to take a back seat to pleasure. All of this still feels very new and sometimes a bit awkward to me. But to be completely transparent, I am LOVING it, and I’m still being productive. I’m just in an intoxicated state while I’m getting things done! ;0
In the following weeks and months I’ll be sharing more with you about what I’ve discovered and am still uncovering in this new place of choosing pleasure over productivity.
You might start seeing a few little changes around here that reflect the changes that have and continue to take place inside of me – I’m super excited about them because there’s always something wonderful about fresh, new energy.
My deepest and most heartfelt intention is for all of what I share with you to transmit a deeper truth and a higher happiness from my life to yours. I’m always grateful that you’re here, and I have so much value to share with you.
Until next time, I’m sending you my love and warm wishes for the time and space that you long for in your life!
With beauty, vision and soul,
“Beauty first… The rest will follow.”
P.S.: If you’re curious about the power of “Letting Go”, click here to access my free teleclass on The Life Changing Magic of Elevation & Simplification. I recorded this teleclass just before my unexpected hiatus, and there are some truly fabulous pieces of wisdom there, just waiting for you! Enjoy!
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