I have figured out a lot of things and discovered many secrets to happy, healthy, balanced living. But, I’m human and at times I hit my walls and come up against roadblocks, too. Getting to the gym has been my most recent speed bump. And after many weeks of really struggling to get some exercise into my day (aside from my daily walks with Dinga), I have had a breakthrough!
In December I shared with you that I had to find some ways of moving my body that inspired me so that I wanted to go to the gym. Getting on some machine and whipping my body around for 30 minutes, counting calories burned, and miles or stairs climbed isn’t very inspiring or motivating to me. So, I found 5 classes that I adore, and in doing so I re-discovered my inspiration for going to the gym.
However, my roadblock persisted even with this new found inspiration. I realized my mindset really needed an adjustment, too. I was thinking about going to the gym as just another thing I had to do, another thing on my long list to check off before the end of the day. My thinking needed a make-over! I realized gym time was really “me” time, and that little shift made it so much more appealing to me.
So, my favorite classes are now blocked off in my schedule. And when I think about going to a class I do so because I know going will help me feel the way I really want to feel. I want to feel strong and lithe. I want to feel embodied and present. I want to feel confident and grounded. Getting to the gym is a great way to experience all of these things, and more.
Now my only excuse for not making it to the gym is if I allow that little self-sabotaging voice in my head talk me out of it. You know the one I’m talking about. But notice I called that voice “little”- that’s because it’s small minded.
Truthfully, I’m not interested in following any voice that’s going to encourage me to be small. I’m committed to living large and experiencing an extraordinary life. What voice do you listen to? And is it guiding you toward your fantastic self?
Stay tuned! More to come on my “gym journey”!
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