In the work I do with women, I stand firm in my clear knowing that every woman is a magnificent gift to the world. She is precious beyond words. Pure magic in manifest form.
Each woman is a wellspring of resilience, power, and love – proof itself that even in the face of misogyny, patriarchy, and white supremacy, miracles do indeed exist.
Are there times when you feel this too?
When you get a glimpse of your true self?
When you see yourself with eyes that have been wiped clean of self-judgment and self-deprecation?
When you recognize your innate value and worth?
This is a feeling of HOME – that you’ve finally arrived where you should have always lived. It’s a knowing that you do not have to grovel, accommodate, endure, or tolerate anything or anyone that does not honor who and what you really are.
Because you know you are a freaking miracle in manifest form.
The thing is, most women do not live in this place.
My own journey with this has been a long, harrowing, and painful awakening. For too many years I assumed I was, on some inherent level, deeply unlovable.
With that assumption coloring everything in my world, you can imagine the kind of life I was living, and the kinds of relationships I was attracting. *not good*
Most women live in some version of this. They may have glimpses of their magnificence, but the rest of the time they feel like they are always falling short of who and what they’re supposed to be.
And because they think they fall short, they end up accommodating and tolerating people and things in their lives that do not meet their needs, nor their heartfelt desires.
They talk themselves out of what they inherently deserve.
How often to you talk yourself out of your innate value and worth?
How many times in a day do you accept less than what you want or need?
How frequently do you (graciously) stay in relationships and put up with circumstances that affirm the idea that you are less than? Somehow never enough?
When you talk yourself out of your own importance and magnificence, something inevitable happens. You end up creating a life that reflects this belief that you’re not enough.
And when your life reflects this to you time and time again, it deepens your belief that all of this is true. The cycle continues until you can’t tell what started what. All you know is that ‘this’ is what you are living, and it must be for a very good reason…
What if, instead, you could look in the mirror and know that you are gazing at a spectacular, incredible, and glorious woman?
What if that old programming that makes you doubt your own value and worth just didn’t exist anymore?
What if you knew without a doubt that you are a woman that matters?
Would your life look and feel different than it does today?
Would your relationships receive an upgrade?
Would your home, your wardrobe, the contents of your pantry and fridge, and even your bank account be transformed? Elevated? Reflect the caliber of woman that you are?
Without a doubt, there are systems and structures in our world that hold women down. This is especially true for Black, Brown, and Indigenous women who have and continue to face prejudices and barriers that White and white passing women do not. This very real reality should not be underestimated in how it deeply affects the way women see themselves.
And, there is always inner work that you can do to hold yourself as the incredible, resilient, valuable, priceless being you are.
It’s time to stop agreeing, on any level, that you are worthy of anything less than excellence, love, support, pleasure, rest, adoration, and highest esteem. Because you are.
You matter. You are more important than you know. You are magic incarnate.
Do what you can to dismantle the systems and structures that hold women down and back. Because as long as any woman is held as less than, all women are held as less than.
Catch yourself when you make it okay that your needs are not being met. Stop yourself when you start to self-criticize and judge. Shake yourself out of that old trance that made you believe you are anything less than the breathtaking, remarkable, unforgettable woman you are.
Let go of the lies you were fed to hold yourself down.
Raise your standards. Let go of making exceptions or accommodations for anything that drains your precious life force. Preserve your energy. Protect your brilliance.
Because your magnificence is what is true. Always was, always will be.
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