Most of my clients choose to work with me because they have a core desire – to look and feel amazing – which is something nearly every woman wants for herself, myself included!
But what sets my clients apart from most is that they’ve tried nearly every diet and superfood fad out there, only to backslide over time into the lifestyle they used to live – the one that stripped them of their energy, beauty and vitality in the first place.
My clients have learned (often after many years and a lot of frustration and crushing self-doubt) that pursuing their goals through yet another diet doesn’t yield the long-term results they long for.
They’ve realized that the “shift” they desire requires a different approach altogether.
The first tier of nourishment is all about learning to tend to the needs and requirements of your physical body – diet, sleep, hydration, moving your body, and more.
But my approach is different. In the work I do with my clients, we don’t begin there.
Instead, I show my clients how to connect to their bodies in a new way, how to listen to it, honor it, and as a result, they discover how connect to their joy, and their natural state of pleasure and ease.
Because it’s natural to feel at ease and to experience pleasure in your body, every day.
If that’s not what you’re experiencing in your brilliant, wise and beautiful body, it’s already communicating something very valuable to you!
In my 1-on-1 work with my clients, we take the time to get to know and understand what makes them so special, and what makes them uniquely, wonderfully them!
I show them how to listen to the ways their body is communicating with them, because our bodies don’t just tap us on the shoulder and start talking. They communicate through sensation – excitement, fear, ecstasy, fatigue, hunger, fullness, thirst… and sometimes pain.
I teach my clients how to slow down the compulsion to always be in motion, to keep going even when they’re tired, to finish one more thing before they stop, and to accomplish one more task before they tend to the needs of their physical bodies.
The body really needs to be reprioritized in our minds and lives. When you push past the nudges of your physical body, you start to ignore what it’s saying to you for the sake of achievement, productivity and efficiency.
And when you start prioritizing your to-do list over the health and happiness of your body, you also create a hierarchy, where accomplishing the task at hand (and the next one, and the next one…) becomes more important than looking and feeling good – even if you really want the exact opposite!
This is such a big part of what my work is about. I help very busy, overwhelmed, often exhausted women to re-prioritize themselves, their health, and feeling and looking good.
I want you to know that it IS possible for you to be uber successful, highly productive and accomplished in every area of your life while looking and feeling as good as you want to.
You don’t have to sacrifice yourself or your health to get there. But you do have to start listening to and honoring your body temple.
There isn’t one formula or magic pill that will create this for everyone. You are beautifully unique, and as such, your path to Transcendent Health, and looking and feeling your best needs to be as individualized and extraordinary as you are.
Do you know how to listen to your body?
Do you know how to interpret and then truly honor what it’s saying to you?
In this moment, right now, what does your body need?
How can you start to prioritize, and support your body to look and feel its best?
I’m here to help, guide and support you on your journey to looking and feeling your very best – because it’s often a confusing, anything-but-straight-forward path to becoming the image of your own imagination. It’s completely possible, but not always easy (otherwise we’d all be doing it!).
It’s my sacred work and mission to assist as many women as possible to become the vibrant, powerful, fully expressed, beautiful women they know they’re meant to be. This is my life’s work, and it’s always an honor and sincere privilege to walk next to a woman who is saying a loud and clear “YES” to herself in these ways.
My wish for you is that you come to a place in your life where you declare a resounding and full “YES” to yourself, my dear. You’ll never regret it when you do!
With love and Transcendent Health,
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