This 3rd myth that needs to be busted is that if you eat only raw food you will never get sick. To put it plainly, this is not true, though generally speaking, eating high quality food with lots of fresh vegetables and fruit does help keep people much healthier than the average diet can. But… read more
Beautiful Body
Think of all the intelligence, creativity and time you spend on improving, altering and judging your appearance. Who would you be and what could you accomplish if your valuable resources weren’t used this way? Constant emphasis on the external makes us discount the great presence and intelligence that is housed by the body. It makes… read more
Energizer Bunny Juice
Prep Time: 7 minutes Yield: 18 oz. 1/3 medium cucumber 2 medium apples 1 medium beet 10 ribs celery 1” piece fresh ginger small handful parsley 1) Juice all ingredients and serve immediately. 2) Stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator, Energizer Bunny Juice will keep for 24 hours. A Note from Alicia: Fresh… read more
My Top 6 Tips for Navigating Change with Dignity and Grace
“The only constant in life is change.” – Heraclitus As true as the above quote might be, it doesn’t give us any suggestions for how we might make change any easier. Sometimes change is just plain hard, especially when it’s something big and personal. But if you’re anything like me, change is something that you… read more
Raw Food Myth #2: If It’s Raw, It MUST Be Good for Me!
After eating more than my fair share of processed, packaged, micro-waved and fast foods, when I decided to “go raw”, I was under the common misconception that if what I ate was raw it MUST be good for me. Compared to how I had been eating, this may have proven true. However, eating raw chocolate… read more
A Peek Into My Life
In your Valentine’s Day Gift Box you received a list of recommendations from me on ways you can enhance and activate Radiant Loving in your life. Here is a photo of the sacred space I created in my home that is dedicated to celebrating and honoring the love that is in my heart and my… read more
There Is Nothing More Powerful Than A Woman With An Open Heart
For the past week or so I’ve been in deep contemplation about radiance and love. I’ve been thinking about what happens when the two come together. Why am I thinking about this now? There are reminders all around us this month that “love is in the air”, and I’ve been feeling an incredible sense of… read more
Raw Food Myth #1: It’s All Or Nothing!
A lot of things are said about raw foods, many of which can be misleading or incorrect altogether. For instance many people believe that they must eat 100% raw in order to reap the benefits they’ve heard all about- a truly “all or nothing mindset”. Let’s break this down for a minute and get real… read more
This Was Really Holding Me Back
I like to stay active, and I walk my dog everyday. Rain, sleet, wind, snow or sun, we’re outside enjoying each other’s company, chasing the crows, ravens and squirrels (my dog does, I don’t), and definitely communing with the elements. I can’t tell you how often I sing praises to whoever invented Gore-Tex. It definitely… read more
Immune Boosting Cranberry-Orange & Pear Juice
PREP TIME 15 minutes YIELD 48 oz. INGREDIENTS 7 oranges, peel removed 4 cups fresh cranberries 7 ripe pears – any variety 2” piece fresh ginger, peeled 2 cups fresh spinach DIRECTIONS 1. Juice all of the above ingredients and store your fresh juice in a sealed container in the refrigerator. 2. Immune Boosting Orange-Cranberry… read more