I don’t know about you, but when I see women who…
Say “no” without effort or apology
Shamelessly take up space in a room
Really embody confidence and power
Own and express their beauty
Love and accept themselves fully
Know their value and worth
Take exceptional care of their bodies, hearts, minds and souls
Are crystal clear about what they want
Refuse to settle for less
Know how to truly enjoy life
Carry themselves with dignity and grace
… I sometimes get a little tied up in knots.
I feel equal amounts of appreciation and envy.
The appreciation comes from a place inside of myself where I am living and breathing and truly being that kind of woman. I see myself in her, and her in me.
But the envy comes from the deep, dark places inside of myself where I still have work to do to fully become the woman I want to be.
- A woman who feels comfortable in her own skin, is self-possessed, and no longer tries to be “perfect” or who she was taught she has to be.
- A woman who knows she’s here to live for herself, to shine brightly and step into her own mastery.
- A woman who no longer hides from the truth of who she is, but instead owns what it is that she loves, and how she wants to live.
When I get triggered like this, I have to remind myself of how far I’ve come, and how and where I already am that woman. It’s also a call for me to get curious about the places where I’m being called to grow even more.
Maybe you know what I’m talking about. Maybe you sometimes get triggered, too.
In a world that encourages us to feel competitive and catty towards other women… that expects us to put ourselves second, or last… and that rewards us for pleasing others at the expense of ourselves…
It’s easier to point the finger at beautiful, powerful, self-assured women who dare to be all of who they are and make them wrong for that… or make ourselves wrong for wanting more… or for wanting to be more.
So, I’ve created something for you.
It’s something for you to reference in those moments when you find yourself a bit tied up in knots, or straight up triggered by something, or someone, you both appreciate and envy. It’s a really beautiful document that highlights the 8 key shifts that take place inside of a woman when she shifts from acting small and being self-sacrificing to being authentically who she is and unabashedly self-honoring.
These are the 8 key shifts for stepping into the new version of you that wants to emerge.
I know this will deeply serve you. You can access it at the link below.
The 8 key shifts for the woman who dares to be more.
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