Feeling maxed out is a combination of overwhelm, lack of support, and freak out that arises within us when the things that used to work for us, used to support us, used to hold us, have not, do not, or can no longer meet our needs.
Feeling maxed out is that recognition and inner knowing that no matter how great something has been, it has now served and fulfilled its purpose. It has run its course, and now it’s repeatedly falling short of what our current needs and requirements are.
This happens all the time.
Maybe the city we live in served a glorious purpose when we needed a resource in the area. But now that we no longer require that resource, living there no longer feels aligned for us. We’ve maxed out that location.
Maybe a relationship that we’re in was the perfect place for us to learn and grow and become someone new. But now that we are that new person, the relationship no longer meets our present-day needs, or the other person isn’t interested in being in partnership with this new you. We’ve maxed out that relationship.
Perhaps our current job or business was the perfect place to learn new skills, create the income we needed, and work the hours that worked best in our lives at the time. But if those needs have changed, or you’re ready to embark on a new adventure and experience, you may have maxed out on that chapter of your professional life.
Maybe the home we live in was perfect when you were single. But now that you’re in a partnership, or starting a family, it’s no longer enough room. Or maybe living above that bar that’s open until 3am just no longer serves the lifestyle you’re living today. You’ve maxed out that home.
When we feel maxed out, it’s a sign that change is calling – even when we have no clue how to do that, what to do, or where to begin.
With that call to change frequently comes the very real, visceral fear that arises within us as we begin to really feel and own this truth – that something has already ended.
If it’s not meeting our needs, if we’re not receiving the support we need or require, if it’s more effort to keep the status quo going than to let it go, to one degree or another it is already done and complete.
But more frequently than not we will try to hold on, pray, and hope that it’s still viable. That we can make it work. That something magical will happen and suddenly this person or thing will be able to meet us, support us, and fulfill the things we now need them to.
I’m not going to say that this never happens.
But I will say this:
Pay attention if you are holding on to something that has not or is no longer working.
The longer we cling to something that is less than what we want or need…
The more time and energy we put into trying to make something into what it is not…
The harder we try to ignore our disappointment, hurt, and unmet longing…
The more we live in lack.
The more we settle for less.
The more we tolerate.
The more we ignore our needs.
The more we disconnect from our desire.
The more we separate from ourselves and our truth.
The more we acclimate to the false idea that we can’t have what we really want.
When we let go of what’s not working, a door of potential and beauty opens for us. That door remains firmly closed when we cling to less.
Where in your life are you feeling maxed out?
What in your life has run its course?
Served its purpose?
No longer fulfills your needs and desires the way you require them to?
These are courageous questions to ask right now. It’s incredibly powerful to bring your awareness to your answers.
It doesn’t mean you have to do anything with it. But it does mean you’ve shed the light of awareness on the places in your life where things are not as they could be, or even where they ‘should’ be.
Remember, you are worthy of having your needs met. Of being supported. Of having exactly what your heart desires.
But the only way those things can be yours is if you acknowledge you’ve maxed out the status quo.
Letting go of what no longer serves might feel like jumping out of an airplane without a parachute. But recognize that letting go is the only way the new, the right, the even better can come into your life.
And you are so worthy of the even better.
PS: This month we’re talking all about “Letting Go” in my Facebook group. Join us to learn what it is, what it is not, and what becomes possible if you dare to live into what is true for you!
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