Something I absolutely love about women, and myself, is that we’re like 32 flavors all whipped up into one divinely beautiful body.
We’re multifaceted, and we can’t easily be put into a box.
And even though we’re complex and brilliant and colorful in so many ways, there are 2 predominant versions of you that co-exist inside of you.
One is motivated by a deep, abiding vision and calling. This version of you shows up in raw, sometimes messy, and frequently courageous ways.
The other version of you is driven by fantasy, ego, fear and the never-ending pursuit of safety. It adheres to its conditioning, colors inside the lines, and does everything it can to be all it is expected to be.
The version of you that is motivated by a bigger vision and calling is aligned with who you really are and what you are truly capable of. She is the version of yourself that you admire and respect the most.
The version of you that is driven by fantasy and fear is doing everything it can to avoid risk because it’s preoccupied with avoiding pain – so much so that it may make decisions that go against your priorities, values and truth.
So, when it comes to living your everyday life these days, which version of you is in the driver’s seat?
Check in with yourself.
Are you living your life and making decisions from the conditioned version of you who wants to…
keep everyone else happy
prove she’s “good”
play it safe
be liked/loved
please others
get everyone’s approval
numb out
maintain status quo
avoid ruffling feathers and rocking the boat
live in a fantasy so you can withstand how unhappy you are…
Or are you living your life and making decisions from the version of you who is guided by a bigger calling and vision? The you who…
has a passionate fire burning in her belly
knows she’s meant to give and receive more
speaks her truth even when it bumps up against other people’s discomfort
courageously feels her feelings
allows herself to be moved by something greater than herself
gets inspired by others who are living their truth
knows she can’t and doesn’t even want to please everyone
trusts her inner wisdom
holds the brush that’s painting the masterpiece of her life
honors her truth more than the opinions and agenda of others
Here’s a simple way to find out who is in the driver’s seat:
If you’re feeling drained, depleted, exhausted, overwhelmed, like everything is a struggle, or like you’re running away from something… there is a good possibility you’re living and making decisions from the conditioned version of yourself.
If you’re feeling nourished, in the flow, energized, “alive”, and like everything is happening with such grace and ease… there is a good possibility you’re living and making decisions from the aligned visionary version of you.
It’s easy to look around and feel overwhelmed by the state of the world today. If you’re feeling low or like it’s all just too much, I understand. These are super intense times.
Sometimes the most powerful form of resistance we come up against in our lives is actually coming from inside of us.
Next time you’re faced with a powerful decision, or you feel helpless, or you feel that sinking feeling in your gut when you know you’re just not showing up the way you really want to…
Ask yourself who is in the driver’s seat.
And if you don’t like what you see, you’ll know it’s time to call upon that fierce visionary version of you that you know will do you proud.
Put her in the driver’s seat, and watch your life transform.
Times like these are much easier to navigate when we’re surrounded by powerful inspiration, community, and support. Join us here.
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