We are now nearly 2 months (give or take) into our collective quarantine. How are you?
For me, like most, it’s been a mixed bag. Some days have been brilliant and beautiful, and I wouldn’t trade them for anything. Other days have felt lonely, overwhelming, tender and sad.
Amidst it all I’ve actually felt… good.
My life is amazing. My son is, too. I haven’t attached a judgment or a negative meaning to the ups and downs of what I’ve felt these past few weeks. They’re just feelings. Like the tide, they come and go.
Through the heartbreak and the elation, the ups and downs, I have remained in a good place. I am really good, and I’m deeply grateful to be able to say that.
I’m also aware that a lot of things are changing. How could they not? I don’t believe things will go back to the way they were before. We and everything around us is being transformed in one way or another.
In that process of change, there is grief. And there is also something new that is preparing to be birthed.
I’ve become aware of a deep fire inside of myself that burns hot with the power unrelenting truth. It’s been showing me things about myself that I’d forgotten, or that had become buried over time, or that haven’t been ready to emerge until now.
It’s pointing me to the empty spaces inside of myself, telling me who it knows me to be, what it will no longer accept, and what it wants to be filled with – from a very discerning, conscious and authoritative place. It is reinforcing my clarity that there will be no distracting or settling for ‘less than’ as I move forward.
As I say goodbye to what was, I know I’m preparing to grow into something bigger and let myself receive the things I’ve not had before. I am and will be honoring myself in new ways as I live into what I am becoming. This is an opportunity that is here for all of us right now.
If you are determined to do so, you can grow into whatever is next for you, too. Because it’s happening now. You can fight it or surrender to it and see what grows.
What are you choosing for yourself? How do you feel about your decision? Remember, not choosing is a choice by default.
Out of this fire-y baptism of sorts, 7 powerful and clarifying questions have come forward. I share them with you here.
Set aside some quiet time for yourself. Light a candle, create a sacred space, and spend 15 minutes (more if you like) answering these questions from the most raw and authentic place inside of yourself. What you discover here will serve you so very well as you walk through this time of immense change.
- What have I learned about how I cope, or my go-to coping methods, during times of upheaval, change and uncertainty?
- If I’m not happy with how I’m handling this time of deep change – because I know there is something more inside of me that wants to emerge – how could I choose to navigate this time, instead?
- What is something that I’ve done well during this time of “sheltering in place”? What is something that I’m proud of? Make a list and recognize yourself.
- What is something new I’ve discovered about what helps me to thrive? What lights me up, feeds my radiance and vitality, and pumps life force through my veins? Make a list.
- What is something I now know is no longer serving me that I want to let go of or release from my life and/or way of living? Make a list.
- What is a new desire (or more than one) that has emerged or is emerging from inside of me? Be honest, real and uncensored here. Make a list.
- What is something new that I want to incorporate into my life and/or way of living after this time of “sheltering in place” comes to an end? Make a list.
Even amidst so much grief and loss, there is still life – flowing through and all around you. It’s urging you forward, inviting you to keep on living.
It’s asking you to show up like you never have before. To feel the fire and to trust what is moving inside of you. To live it out into the world like never before.
This is an opening, a chance to connect more deeply with something you may have lost along the way – the real, true, uncensored, uncompromising, unbroken, powerful, beautiful YOU.
Imagine a world where every woman is doing this- connecting with her inner fire and upleveling herself and her life in conscious, magical, brilliant ways.
Imagine what would transform in your life if you let this revolution take place inside of you.
Imagine the vitality, beauty and power that would be yours to do with as you will.
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