Even after 10+ years of coaching amazing women, I still get so awestruck and inspired when a woman makes the decision to truly honor herself. So much becomes possible! Here are three stories of women I’ve worked with, and the magic that unfolded for them when they chose to start living in a way that truly honored them.
Emily was struggling with all-day headaches, eczema, hair loss, chronic fatigue, weight gain and the diagnosis of an autoimmune disease. Struggling to just get through the day in her early twenties was not what Emily thought her life would look like. She was told she needed to take steroids for the rest of her life, and that starting a family of her own was highly unlikely.
But Emily knew there had to be another way. Through her work with me, she shifted her diet, made herself a priority in her life – over work, over her husband, and even over her strong ambitions – and within just 4 weeks she was looking and feeling the best she had in her entire life. She’s now a beautiful mother of 2 young boys, loving the direction her professional life is moving in, and so grateful for the life she’s living today.
When I first met Jenn, she described herself as the poster child for fatigue, malnutrition, and isolation – verging on despair. Her decade-long struggle with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) was deeply affecting her physical and emotional health, not to mention her quality of life. After countless appointments with doctors of all kinds, we began our work together.
In addition to applying a host of self-honoring practices, dietary wisdom and other tools that helped Jenn manage her symptoms, Jenn opened her eyes to the healing power within. With my guidance she chose to dig deeper, identify underlying causes and establish long-term relief in her daily life. Jenn now travels, dates, teaches, exercises, and works like someone who doesn’t have IBS. And more importantly, she’s learned to honor herself and her unique needs with courage, confidence and grace.
Samantha’s relationship with her body and food were a long-standing stressor in her life. She’d tried every diet out there, yo-yoed up and down with her weight more times than she cared to count, and put so much pressure on herself to eat perfectly and according to ‘the plan’ each and every day. When she inevitably failed to be perfect, she’d rebel, punish herself and feel like a total failure.
She also dealt with daily excruciating headaches, debilitating pain in her joints, felt like she was on repeat with a lifelong financial struggle story, and was stuck in a cycle of not-so-supportive relationships that always left her questioning whether or not she was truly lovable. Through our work together all of this has shifted.
Samantha has learned to listen to her body, trust herself and make choices that truly serve her. She’s discovered a way of relating to food and her appearance that has given her the energy, vitality and body she’s always wanted. She’s learned that not expressing herself, her feelings and her ideas contributes to her headaches, and now she speaks her truth and shares herself with others in ways she never could have before. She has also attracted the relationship she’s always desired into her life and is learning to accept and honor all of who she is… even the parts she used to believe were selfish, vain, overpowering, needy, and unlovable.
Even with my clients who aren’t struggling with acute health issues, I witness radical, and often unexpected shifts in every woman who gives herself Radical Permission to be herself.
When my clients learn how to be true to themselves, they also often receive…
More energy and vitality
Better sleep
Weight loss
Unshakable confidence
A lessening or disappearance of mystery illnesses
A healthy radiance and glow
A greater capacity for happiness, laughter and joy
A massive reduction in stress
The relationships they’ve always wanted
A fulfillment of long-standing dreams and desires
A flood of creativity and inspiration
More abundance, wealth and financial freedom
The deep happiness and fulfillment they’ve longed for
A deeper trust in life and their place in it
Learning to honor yourself and be true to who you really are takes time. Willingness. Support. Devotion. It’s quite possibly the most important thing you will ever do.
Because it has the power to change everything in your life for the better. Even the things you never expected could.
You may not be struggling with a health issue. Perhaps your relationships are exactly what you want them to be. Maybe your body is right where you want it to be, too. But if not, I want you to know that there is a path to getting what you want.
And that path begins inside of you. Will you choose you?
PS: If you want to read more about my story of learning to honor myself – the heartbreak, the delight, everything in between – and the things that made all of the difference, click here to learn more.
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