I have a confession to make.
We’re about to walk into the 4th week of 2019 and I’m not nearly as organized or motivated as I’ve been in years past, and I’m not as pulled together as I think I should be this year, either. In my most judgmental of moments I notice myself slipping into that old place of believing I need to push and prove, punish myself with guilt and shame, or force myself into shape.
But instead, I’ve decided to focus on what I know to be true right now – because judging, shaming and should-ing on myself are things that I’m no longer willing to do to myself.
Instead, I’m taking a stand for myself in 2019, and for being kind, compassionate and generous with ME from start to finish.
I’ve learned that doing things any other way only reinforces that old pattern of feeling like my only option is to push-prove-produce all of the time, even when every fiber of my being is screaming for space, rest, and time to feel and breathe.
So rather than share with you about all of my big, grand, colorful dreams and goals for 2019, I’m going to share with you the truth about what is present for me:
• My body wants to rest more right now. Period.
• My vision for what I want to create, accomplish, experience and receive in 2019 is still a little cloudy, and if I’m really honest with myself, I’m actually really okay with that.
• My ambition has taken a backseat to this new way of being in the world – one where I’m taking a loving stand for self-compassion, health on every level, more joy, more vitality, more pleasure and A LOT more ease.
• I’m more interested in working from a place of vitality, inspiration and flow than from a place of stress, pressure, discouragement and lethargy, so when I feel myself pushing (even a little bit), I take a step back and feel my way forward from a better, juicier, GOOD feeling place.
• I recognize that I’m in a huge REBIRTH phase of my life. Who I once was is no longer. The life I used to live isn’t what I’m living now, nor what I will be living in the coming weeks and months. I’m doing things for the first time as this new woman, and that means the path is revealing itself as I walk it. So, it’s okay to take my time, be deliberate and conscientious about my choices, follow my intuition and instincts, and trust that if it feels good, it probably IS.
And MOST importantly…
• I TRUST MYSELF more than ever – to be able to handle anything that arises in my life, to do what is needed when it is needed, and to do it all to the best of my ability. My high achieving self hasn’t gone anywhere, she just wants to work in an aligned, good feeling way, with purpose, presence and poise.
So if for some reason you’re not feeling as organized, motivated, ignited and ready to rock 2019 from start to finish, I’m here to tell you that it’s okay. You’re probably exactly where you need to be.
If you trust yourself and the phase and process that you’re in enough, the perfect “aligned action” will present itself to you and you’ll know when it’s time to take flight with your goals and dreams from a very different, self-honoring, courageous place inside of yourself.
And… if you’ve been clear, focused and have judiciously strategized your success plan for the entire year already, I’m thrilled for you! I also want to encourage you to be certain that all of you is on board with what you’ve mapped out for yourself.
Our ambitions so often take the lead at the start of the year, but in the end they frequently neglect to take our health, happiness and inner wisdom into account.
There’s nothing powerful about being drained and depleted. But taking action from a place of deep honesty will only serve you in being the most potent, powerful and brilliant version of YOU.
Here’s to living into 2019 from a place of inner wisdom, vitality, power and joy – however long it takes you, or I, to fully align with that.
With love and Transcendent Health,
PS: My free, private online community is where I’m sharing my juiciest stuff, including the essential things you need to know to look and feel your best and take your physical health to the next level of amazing. Join us!
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