As I was getting dressed this morning, I was thinking about how 2018 is a thing of the past and with every new year there is so much possibility and opportunity that awaits us all. It’s exciting!
And… it can also feel a bit daunting, like it’s a BIG opportunity and responsibility that you want to get just right.
It’s already the 6th of January, and I’m just starting to organize and clarify my goals and vision for 2019. Part of me knows, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I’ve been using this quiet time of the year in a very valuable way. I’ve been gathering the wisdom and imprints for my entire year through the 13 Holy Nights, which complete today at sunset, and I know how essential this is for me.
This part of me is clear that I’m right where I need to be. I’m rested, nourished and I’ve acquired some very rich guidance and information for myself that makes planning, goal setting and action taking much easier, simpler and far more aligned.
And, I still heard a little fearful voice perk up inside of myself today. Here’s what she had to say:
Am I already behind?
I should hurry up and do something…
Have I missed an opportunity?
Am I messing up my whole year by taking this time to get aligned with myself and 2019?
I should be doing something… anything!
I can’t just sit back and be in this unproductive space.
What if I’ve already failed because I haven’t done anything yet?
The pressure and stress that this kind of thinking and fear brings up feels really intense!
But it goes to show how easy it is to slip into comparing ourselves to others – what they’re saying, planning for and preparing to do. Much like you, I’m a high-achiever. I love being prepared, organized and ready for action.
And yet I know that I have to find MY way of doing things and get aligned with MYSELF and the year I’m meant to live, first.
Otherwise it’s far too easy to slip into that pressurized and punishing energy that our ambition and egos dive into so well. When you feel like you’re behind, or not doing or being enough, you’ll do almost anything to make that discomfort go away and prove those feelings wrong.
But just because everyone else is rushing to crush their goals, get off to a flying start, and make 2019 the best year ever… it doesn’t mean that you have to do it the same way they do.
You CAN create or recreate the very best version of yourself this year. You CAN achieve your lofty goals and live out your biggest dreams. You CAN fulfill your heart’s deepest longing and make this your best year yet.
And… you don’t have to sacrifice your energy, vitality and beauty for the sake of your ambition and desires.
You can do all of this, and more, in alignment with what actually feels good to you, and in a way that prioritizes looking and feeling your very best.
This is the only way to live a life that’s truly in alignment with your body, your health, and the things that you hold near and dear to your heart.
If you’re a woman who knows that life is meant to be savored and enjoyed…
If you’re ready to ditch the stress and find a new way forward…
If you know that 2019 is your year to THRIVE…
Then we’re going to have so much fun together this year!
I can’t wait to share my tried and true Transcendent Health practices with you, and show you what you need to know to be able to nourish yourself on EVERY level.
Because YOU living your most amazing 2019 is MY passion! And I’ll be right there with you, living into my best year ever, on my terms, in my way, and in my aligned timing.
Happy New Year, my dear!
With love and Transcendent Health,
PS: It’s one thing to dream, it’s a completely different thing to be ready to receive your dreams. How ready are you to receive your dreams and desires in 2019? Apply for a complimentary Wisdom Activation Call with me here to find out!
PPS: Want to be a part of a global and supportive sisterhood who are ready to look and feel their best? Join my free online community here and learn how!
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