Last week I shared about the 4 tiers of nourishment that help you to look and feel your best:
- Physical Nourishment – the things you do to tend to your physical body
- Life Nourishment – the things you do to tend to your “outer life”
- Heart-Mind Nourishment – the things you do to tend to your “inner life”
- Radical Nourishment – the things you do to reclaim and express your core essence and feminine self
This might seem like a lot to pay attention to, all in the name of energy, vitality, radiance, and Transcendent Health. But in reality, they are all interwoven together. All aspects of nourishment feed each other, and as a result, tending to and nourishing one area yields positive results in every area of your life.
But are you wondering where to begin?
It might make sense to address your physical body first, especially if you’re dealing with a health issue or challenge right now that’s making it difficult to look and feel your best. But then, tending to your outer life (maybe your finances, or your relationships) might make it possible for you to elevate things for your physical health, so perhaps starting there might be best.
However, tending to your inner life might be where you need to start. Naming the fears and hidden beliefs that are holding you back can create tremendous forward movement that simply isn’t possible otherwise. But then again, maybe starting with Radical Nourishment, uncovering, honoring and loving who you really are – this might be the place to begin…
It can feel confusing!
Where to begin is much simpler than you might think.
The way to begin looking and feeling your best is to get clear about where you are, today.
So often we get into the habit of taking action – any action! – to feel like we are moving forward, being productive, and feeling powerful. But if you’re trying to make movement from any place other than where you’re at today – as in, what is true and real for you at this moment in time – then you can easily fall into the trap of doing-doing-doing and pushing-forcing-pressuring, all in the name of being productive (and anything but stagnant).
As tempting as it is to just dive in and start doing something, before you begin any movement towards improving how you look and feel, take stock of where you’re at today.
Here are some questions to ask yourself:
How does your physical body look and feel to you?
Are you sleeping well? Are you sleeping enough?
Do you drink enough water?
Are you happy in your professional life?
Do you have the kind of support system around you that you really need?
Are you feeling fully expressed and met in your sexuality?
Do you feel you have the self-confidence that you want (and require) in your life?
Are there any paralyzing fears or negative beliefs that are holding you back?
Do you view the world through a lens of abundance, victimhood, martyrdom or scarcity?
When was the last time you truly rested, relaxed and restored yourself?
Do you know the life phase you’re in and how it’s affecting you?
Do you worry about what others think about you so much that you aren’t living for you?
Notice what happens as you take stock of where you’re really at today. Notice the emotions that start to bubble up, and the discomfort that might arise if you’re not where you really want to be.
Taking stock isn’t about intentionally drawing out feelings of guilt or shame (although you’re not alone if you might reflexively go there).
Getting clear on where you’re at today is important because it firmly places you in a position of CLARITY and POWER.
When you know how you’re really doing when it comes to your desires and needs, and the vision that you have for yourself and your life, your eyes are wide open. You’re not operating from a place believing things are fine when they’re not, or from a place of being convinced things are a catastrophe when they’re actually much better than you thought, or even from hiding from the truth of where you’re at right now.
You’re not pining over where you used to be in the past nor are you lost in the fantasy of what isn’t here yet. Instead you’ll find yourself in present time, examining your present reality, simply asking the question: WHAT IS TRUE FOR ME RIGHT NOW?
When you can honestly OWN where you’re at today and not go into judgment, criticism, shame or guilt, you will discover a powerful opportunity to make a CHOICE.
Do you want things to continue as they are? Or do you want something different?
And if you want something different for yourself – in any or all of the 4 tiers of nourishment – know that you can create and receive exactly what you desire. It may not always be an easy or pretty journey to get there (because honestly, sometimes it’s just not), but it is absolutely possible.
Getting clear on where you’re at today can help you to choose something new, different and better feeling for yourself. And that is a very powerful place to be!
With love and Transcendent Health,
PS: If you’d like to dip your toes into learning more about the 4 tiers of nourishment, or simply surround yourself with a global sisterhood of women who are ready to look and feel their best, come meet me in my free online community here.
PPS: As important as it is to “take stock” about where you’re at in your life, sometimes it just feels daunting to do this on your own. If you want to take this conversation a bit further and be held in a safe and sacred space to really assess where things are at in your life – especially if you frequently go into berating yourself or just feeling awful about where you’re at or where you’re not at (I’ve been there too!) – then let’s talk!
Simply hit reply to this email and let me know that you’d like to set up a time to speak. We’ll take an honest look at where you’re at and where you really want to be, and we’ll outline the best next steps for you to get to where you want to go – in a way that feels aligned, deeply nurturing and like a wee bit of a stretch, too, because everything you could possible want lives just outside of your comfort zone.
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