There are so many circumstances and times when your body has said NO.
Or when someone has told your body NO, or that NO has come from within.
There have been times when NOs surrounded you to keep you in line.
NO is what most women know.
It’s also where most women feel comfortable, protected and “safe”.
NO is the expectations you’ve had to fulfill to be a good girl. They’re the rules you follow around food and eating whenever dieting is on the table.
NO is the visceral upheaval that stops you in your tracks when your desire is too loud, your sexuality too obvious, your power too palpable for the comfort of those around you.
NO can be the fear you feel when your safety is questionable, your boundaries challenged, your inner most secrets nearly discovered.
Women know NO.
But what is YES, and what does YES feel like?
When YES is present there’s a rush that floods the body, and a calm that permeates the mind.
It’s a feeling of expansion and relaxation all at once. It is a re-membering that THIS is what you were meant to experience. THIS is your birthright.
YES is freedom and peace and joy. It’s a jar of butterflies being set free; a hummingbird being given back its wings. It’s a contented jaguar basking in the dappled sunlight of the rainforest without a care in the world.
And yet, so few women give themselves the kind of permission that a full-bodied YES requires. An allowance that can only come from within.
YES is a blessing to be all of who you really are. To love what you love, want what you want, ask for what you crave, and allow yourself to fully receive it.
YES isn’t about being “nice”, or a good girl, or even being liked.
It’s taking up the space that is rightfully yours. YES is opening up to pleasure and feeling the rightness of that bliss – without fear of retribution or losing control.
YES feels edgy, dangerous, even. It goes against what so many women have been taught they can be, should be… are safe to be.
And yet, YES is where every woman was born to live.
YES is feeling secure, confident, beautiful and radiant. YES is praise, freedom, creativity and peace. YES is voracity, satisfaction, potency and love.
YES is more.
Notice what NO feels like in your body. The tension and contraction that comes with it. The fear that so frequently tags along, too.
Notice how much time your body spends in NO. How often you live in NO.
Notice how often you honor YES, and how frequently you default to the NO you know.
And then notice how often your body wants to open to YES, if only…
Are there things you can do, choices you can make or boundaries you can uphold so that your body can reside in YES?
There is so much that becomes possible from YES that never could have revealed itself to you from the NO you’ve known for so long.
Your body longs for YES, and there is a part of you that’s been burning to LIVE in that YES for a very long time.
Where will you allow the wisdom of YES to lead you?
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