I talk a lot about how important it is to create a clear vision for yourself. I truly believe that this is a core and essential step that, when firmly in place, makes all of the difference in how powerfully you navigate life, meet your goals, and receive the life of your dreams.
But there are a lot of ways to create a vision, aren’t there? And how do you know it’s the right vision for you? How do you know if your vision is being dictated by your over-achieving, I-gotta-prove-I-deserve-it, won’t-people-be-impressed-by-this, this-seems-like-a-logical-place-to-start, ego-driven self… or if your vision is coming from a much more inspired, powerful and divinely guided place?
There is a powerful way to know the difference, because when you co-create your vision with Spirit, it always feels perfect in ways you never could have come up with on your own.
Most women go about setting goals and creating a vision from a very logical, rational and linear place inside. They ask themselves, what makes the most sense here? What feels like it would be fun? What needs to happen here? And then, most women set out to map out their steps to accomplish those things.
The end result often looks, and feels, a lot like another to-do list. It’s no wonder that most women feel they don’t have time for their dreams. I can’t think of one woman on this planet who needs yet another to-do list!!!
If your vision for your future goals and dreams looks and feels like a to-do list, it’s likely that your vision is coming from your intellectual mind, and as such, it’s really missing something incredibly important. It’s missing a magical element that instantly transforms what can feel like a burden and a heavy load, into something that feels exciting, light, fun and like it’s the road to discovering your true purpose and reason for being here.
The missing ingredient is the guidance and assistance from your soul.
I honestly believe that we are all here for a very specific, sacred, and special reason – many reasons, in fact – and that those reasons are ours to uncover, discover, step into, and fully enjoy throughout our lifetime. But if you try to figure out, from a mental place, what those reasons are, in all likelihood you’re going to feel frustrated, confused, lost and disappointed.
Because your reason for being, your purpose here on earth, that special gift that only you possess and that only you can share – it is most easily found when you connect deeply with the all knowing, all seeing, infinitely wise, and always divinely aligned aspect of yourself.
Your soul will never mislead you, convince you that you’re not enough or that you should be something other than who you really are. Your soul will never demand that you put yourself in a compromising position. It will never expect you to prove your value or worth. It will never guide you to craft a vision that isn’t for your greatest and highest good.
Creating a vision from this place doesn’t look or feel like a to-do list! Instead, it feels exciting, maybe slightly scary (but in that good, tingly kind of way that makes you feel more alive), expansive, inspiring and like it’s truly your calling and next level.
These are the kinds of visions that I will be assisting women to create for themselves, and their lives, in the Soul-Luxe Living Beauty Elevation Intensive. I will be leading every woman in this program through a special process that will reveal their soul-led vision to them, so that they can begin the process of applying Beauty at its highest possible vibration to ANY area of their lives.
This is a process that will be theirs, forever, to be able to bring Beauty into their world and transform every area of their life with Beauty, anytime they desire.
Join me for the Soul-Luxe Living Beauty Elevation Intensive and I will share this special process with you!
Within four short weeks you will have learned this secret process, applied it to one soul-led area of your life and have transformed it beyond what you ever thought possible, and you will be able to take this powerful process and work its magic on any area of your life again, and again, and again, anytime you desire.
You are invited to join a very special group of women who are rocking their world and creating an intoxicating level of living for themselves within the Soul-Luxe Living community.
Don’t settle for mundane when you know you are ready for so much more.
Click here to learn more about The Beauty Elevation Intensive.
This is the ONLY time I will be offering this program in this way, and at this incredibly low price. The next time this program will be available, it will be part of a much higher-level program, and the price will be much, much higher, too.
The early bird price expires on Thursday, October 20th, 2016, so don’t delay!
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