Have you ever told yourself that you’re going to get right back to that project that you started, and then you forgot about it completely? Do you buy a lot of books because you’re so excited to read them, but then they sit for ages on your bookshelf collecting dust because you just don’t have the time to sit and read? Do you ever promise yourself that you’re going to make that dream come true, but then you get really busy and overwhelmed with life – so much so that you can’t possibly tend to something as “unnecessary” or “extravagant” as your silly dream?
There is no denying that our lives are more full today than ever before. With the speed at which communication is happening and information is being shared, there is more of an expectation that we should be able to do more, be more, and have more in our lives.
But where is this actually taking us? And is it even true?
I work with women every day who are incredibly overwhelmed by their responsibilities and their lives. Even if they are clear on what they want, and what their vision is for their lives, they don’t feel any less compelled to pull out the super woman uniform and become a force of nature every day, just to stay on top of their daily schedule and routine.
From my perspective, it seems we’ve all gotten really good at being really busy. But few women are really focusing on what matters most to them. And even fewer or taking the steps to actually actualize and manifest their dreams.
There will always be very good reasons as to why it’s not a good time for you to act on your dreams. There will always be a million and two things on your to-do list. And there will always be very rational and logical stories that you tell yourself and excuses that you tell others as to why you’re not living the life that you really want to live.
If you’re not actively moving in the direction of your dreams, you are actually moving away from them. There is no standing still. There is one, or the other. The question you have to ask yourself is, if I’m not going to make my dreams a priority now, then when will I?
The more I live in a way that makes me the priority in my life, the more I realize what a challenge it can be to do this. You might have some judgments on placing this much importance on yourself, or you might worry what others will think of you. You might even tell yourself that making yourself the VIP of your own life is selfish and that it’s taking away from your kids, or your partner, or your work.
I used to think all of those things too, until I realized that I am responsible for ME. No one else is. I am responsible TO my dreams. No one else is. If I don’t tend to myself and my dreams, then I will slowly, over time, begin to feel resentful and not in control of my life. I might even begin to expect others to ensure that I’m happy.
I’m clear that I do not want to be that woman. And most women that I know are in agreement with me.
I was speaking with one of my mentors recently and we were discussing the dreams that we’d both realized in our lives. It felt really good to be able to talk about them as achievements and things that we’re both really proud of. They are all things that have deeply fulfilled us. We both also realized that in every instance, for both of us, we had support to help us actualize those dreams.
Support is the most under valued yet most essential determiner for whether or not someone manifests their dreams. If for every new level of your life you are required to become someone different, then it makes sense that you have to surround yourself with the appropriate support to become the woman and receive the life that you want to step into.
It takes real conviction, deep reflection, and powerful action to do this. I can’t sugar coat this and tell you that it’s all a matter of time, or that someone is going to make your dreams happen for you. No one can do this for you but you.
There is a vibration to your dreams that makes it easy to keep them at arms length and separate from your daily life. They feel magical and often so different from where you are today that you just don’t even know where to begin, or what you could possibly take your attention away from long enough to start something new.
But if you know it’s time for you to stop waiting and procrastinating, and if you’re done with taking yourself out of the game or pretending that you’re not who you truly are, then let me be the first to tell you that you’re ripe and ready for clear, powerful, profound and uncompromising support that will hold you to your highest and cherish your truth.
In my Quantum Living Program I will create a sacred space for you soul to step forward and reveal itself to you. I will not settle for less than what you are capable of and deeply desire for yourself.
If you’re ready to meet me here, I invite you to join the 4-month Quantum Living Program and get ready for a completely breathtaking and intoxicating ride. It could just be the most magical 4 months of your year, and truly does have the power to change everything.
If not now, then when?
To learn more about the Quantum Living Program, click here.
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