What happens inside of you when you hear someone utter the letters VIP? Does it excite you? Does it make you feel excluded? Do you turn your head looking for the VIP in the room? Or do you recognize and claim yourself as a VIP in your own life?
VIP. To me these letters mean “very important person”. I believe that everyone deserves to be the VIP in their own life, but not everyone thinks this way. So many women put themselves at the bottom of their priority list because it seems like the good and right thing to do.
But where does this really lead? Exhaustion. Resentment. Burn out. Anger. A dead-end, for certain. Claiming yourself as a VIP doesn’t happen because someone else has chosen you for that status. It happens because you have allowed yourself to have this high regard of yourself, for yourself.
If you’re not willing to claim a VIP status for yourself, there are some very tricky and unexpected side effects. For instance, people treat you the way you treat yourself. So if you make yourself unimportant, others will do the same. If you treat yourself with respect, kindness and love, others will follow your example.
Here’s something that you might not have considered: How you treat yourself is how you teach your children to treat themselves. If you neglect and withhold pleasure, luxury and love from yourself – no matter how much you love and spoil your children – they will learn to neglect and withhold from themselves – because you have modeled this for them.
When it comes to your business or professional life, if you’re not willing to declare yourself a VIP, how can you feel confident about offering high-level products in your business? Or charging high ticket prices for your services? If you don’t recognize and honor your own value and worth, no one else will do that for you.
Being a VIP is a choice. And it’s a statement to the Universe that you are ready for BIG, bold, beautiful and blissful things.
Claiming your VIP status creates a ripple effect in every area of your life. It says, “I’m ready for more. I’m ready for higher standards, higher living, and a higher vibration in my life.” It makes a statement and sets the tone for what you will and will not tolerate. It says, “I am important. I am valuable. I am worthy of greatness, and great things.”
So what has to happen inside of you to be able to say, without hesitation or doubt, “I am the VIP in my life”? What do you need to know about yourself? And who do you really require permission from to give yourself this degree of attention, adoration, and recognition?
If there’s anything that I’ve learned over the years, it’s that there are those who say they are going to do something, and then there are those who DO IT.
If you’re ready to take up your rightful position and place in your life, then I invite you to step into and claim your VIP status with me in my up and coming complimentary Quantum Ripple virtual workshop on Thursday, September 8, 2016.
To register, go to: www.MyQuantumRipple.com.
I look forward to sharing the red carpet with you!
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