I just returned to Denver from a VIP day with one of my coaches in gorgeous Santa Monica, California. It was a groundbreaking day for me for many reasons, and the entire experience really left me thinking about the things I have very purposefully and deliberately placed in my life to support my growth, my happiness and my journey through this unpredictable thing we call life.
I often share about the various things I’m doing to take care of myself – quiet time, dietary tidbits, self-reflection, organization, cleansing and more. In my opinion learning to care for ourselves is one of the most rewarding and challenging things we ever learn to do. It’s essential to our well being, and it’s an integral way that we as women grow, rise to any and every occasion, and learn to remember who we really are (and always have been!).
But there’s a crucial piece that I rarely discuss – it feels like it’s some kind of secret that I’ve kept from all of you! It’s never been my intention to hide anything here. I’m pretty real when all is said and done. But I realized recently that I rarely discuss the one thing I’ve put into place that has made all of the difference in my life.
What’s that one thing?
It’s my world-class support system.
My support system is really a team – several individuals from whom I receive incredible guidance and coaching on a bi-weekly basis.
I’m laughing inside right now as I write this because there’s a part of me that still believes I should be able to figure everything out on my own. This little sarcastic voice inside of my head tells me that there must be something wrong with me if I need that much help… I mean, what did people do before there were personal and business coaches?
Business empires were still built; people went ahead and lived their lives. Some overly judgmental part of me still tells me that having this kind of support system is a sign that I’m weak, I’m broken, and that there’s something wrong with me if I can’t make my dreams come true on my own.
*deep breath*
Well, I’m familiar with what this voice believes, and I recognize this voice is trying to protect me from being taken advantage of, from handing all of my dreams and responsibilities over to someone else, and from leaving my destiny up to fate. I appreciate the true intention of this voice which is to protect me from harm, to inspire me to act on my own behalf, and to be the heroine in my own life.
I want the very same thing!
But here’s what I’ve learned about the power of a world-class support system. When I hit bumps in the road, when I enter into uncharted territory and get turned around (or upside-down), and when I get scared and think I can’t do something, my support system guides me to discover the resilience, courage and strength I didn’t know I had.
To be completely transparent here, I have THREE coaches. Yes, THREE! And if you’d asked me two years ago if I’d ever have three coaches (at the same time) I would have laughed and said, “Are you kidding me? Why would I ever need that?”
Why would I need that? Really?!?
Here’s the thing. There is a voice inside of me that is telling me that it’s time for me to do something bigger with my life, to become more visible and to start sharing my wisdom and gifts with the world in a way that can have a true and lasting impact around the globe.
This scares me!
But I’m also scared about what will happen if I don’t do these things. I honestly feel that some part of me will never truly blossom if I continue to live my life how I’ve always lived it.
Can you relate?
I’m being called to do what I’m doing. It’s coming from a place that is beyond my rational mind, it’s larger than my insecurities, and it’s what is guiding me to share with you here today.
To do what I’m being called to do I require the support of others who can share their wisdom and life-experience with me. I won’t say this support system makes what I’m doing easy because when you’re fulfilling a greater purpose and mission in your life there will be plenty of opportunities to learn, stretch and grow. And sometimes learning, stretching and growing can feel hard.
Having a support system around me means my journey isn’t any harder than it has to be.
This is a really crucial and key point.
I’ve gold medaled in making life more difficult than in needs to be (several times over!). I’ve been very masterful at creating unnecessary struggle in my life, and complicating even the simplest of scenarios. It’s one of the ways I used to sabotage my potential, and it’s how justified living a small life while I hid out in the shadows never really discovering or recognizing who I was and what I was capable of.
I decided to invest in myself because I knew it would help me to honor the voice inside of me that was telling me to do something more. It was time to really live without regret or guilt. It was time to rise!
I’ve never regretted this decision because it was an investment in me, my life and my bliss!
I now have an amazing personal coach whose insight and life experience never let me revert to my old patterns of hiding out, denying my true identity and pretending that I’m okay with never really living the life I deeply desire. She calls me forward. She invites me to let the “real” me out. She encourages me to never settle for less than what my heart deeply desires.
I have an unbelievable business coach whose integrity, heart-space and business acumen bring me to my knees every time we work together. Her success, her vision and her willingness to support my dreams, no matter what, have kept me moving forward even when I really wanted to just throw in the towel and walk away from it all.
I even have an amazing spiritual coach (you’ll be hearing more about her soon!) whose incredible gifts and clarity have helped me to uncover the truth of who I really am. She has helped me to release all that’s not me so all of me can be present and respond to my life. Working with her has been so valuable it makes my head spin!
It’s been extraordinarily helpful to have people around me who have walked a similar path of fulfilling their dreams. They may not be able to always tell me exactly what to do, but they can tell me about their experience, their perspective and what they’ve learned along the way. This kind of input and support has made my own journey easier and it has allowed me to walk my path with greater awareness and intention.
Let me be clear that I didn’t just wake up one day and say to myself, “I think I’ll go and get a world class support system today.” I’ve had to give myself permission to receive this level of support. Along the way I’ve learned:
-I’m not Wonder Woman, I don’t have a magic lasso and I don’t have superpowers… and I need to stop acting like I do because it feels like a lot to live up to and it’s exhausting!
–I have big dreams (always have), and I absolutely require support to live into them.
– I am worth investing in!If not me, then who?
–I am as good as my support system. This is very humbling, and very true.
-When I invest in myself it’s as if I’ve written a love note to the universe saying, “I’m ready for more!” – more prosperity, opportunity, visibility, and growth.
As you can likely tell, my support system is incredibly important to me. And I know I am very important to them, too. Even more, we are supporting each other in fulfilling our purpose and our potential. I love this!
Someone once told me that I am responsible to my dreams, and I like that idea very much. My dreams have come to me for a reason, and I appreciate the thought that I am completely able to respond to them – even more so with a team around me, cheering me forward every step of the way.
Like you, I have big dreams and I often require not only support but also accountability to actually fulfill them. Sometimes I require someone to encourage me forward when I get stuck or hit a big stumbling block. At other times I forget who I am, why I’m doing what I’m doing, where I’m even going… and I need someone to “spot” me, help me stay on track and guide me toward where I really want to go.
It’s inevitable that you’ll encounter challenges on your path toward your dreams. Sometimes these challenges can derail you completely. But they are also there to invite you to rise.
Knowing that you’ve taken the time to put a rock solid support system into place means you can count on it to pick you up, dust you off, and set you back on track once again. Even when you feel like you can’t go on, your support system will show you that you can.
If you’re ready to secure an all encompassing form of support for yourself I invite you to apply for a FREE no-obligation 30-minute Radiant Discoveries Breakthrough Session with me.
If you are hearing a call from inside of your heart to grow, shift things in your health, your body and your life, and you know that your present challenges are asking you to rise but you’re not quite certain how to go about doing that, I’d love to talk with you.
I can guide you to discover the incredible ways you can have everything you’ve been dreaming of without neglecting your health, your relationships, your vitality or your soul’s desires along the way.
If you know you are ready to live an inspired, engaged, wide-awake, wide-aware life and you’re ready to receive the support you need to move into your radiant possibilities, I invite you to reach out to me!
I can’t wait to connect with you. The powerful results you can receive from working with a world-class coach are simply waiting for you to say “YES” to you!
With love and radiant possibilities,
PS: Stay tuned for a very special opportunity to meet one of my coaches on a LIVE tele-class very soon. I can’t wait for you to meet her!
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