Do you ever long for things to change?
Question when the relentless grind
and overwhelm will finally end?
Wondering when your life,
The vision for yourself you hold in your heart,
When it will begin?
When you will get to live your life?
It’s not what you think.
It won’t just magically happen one day.
It won’t begin when someone else says it can.
Not when the circumstances around you change.
Not even when you’ve had an epiphany or a breakthrough.
The change you long for,
The life you crave,
Will only ever happen
When you make it so.
Your longing will only ever be fulfilled
When the fire in your belly,
When storm in your heart,
And the power in your limbs
All stand together,
And declare with unwavering clarity
That desperation and starvation
Are not what you are here for.
This stand requires you to
call together and ground yourself.
To no longer partake in the war
between the parts of you
that believe you can
and the parts of you that don’t.
This stand demands you
be on your own team.
It compels you to finally say
No more, I can!, and I will.
And to mean it with all your heart.
There is a future you, waiting.
She is calling you home to yourself.
To your truth, and your power.
She has already walked the journey
That you must walk
To become her.
She knows you will be faced with the task
Of declaring a cease fire with yourself.
That you will be required to
Shun the compulsive pushing against,
The making yourself wrong,
The eternal perfection seeking
That is holding the current you hostage.
She knows you must become someone new.
Someone who…
Gives herself radical permission
To be all 32 flavors of herself,
While coloring outside the lines, simply because
It sparks joy
In herself and in others.
Someone who…
Consciously commands her space,
Uses her voice, radiates self-respect,
And loves herself
With the same fire and warmth
And magnanimity she extends to others.
Someone who…
Values her time, energy, and aliveness
More than what others might think,
Or say or proclaim is best and right for her.
Someone who…
Dares to shine brightly,
Feel deeply,
Live into the extraordinary,
And meet her life on life’s terms
With open eyes, a boundless heart,
And a willingness to be present with it all.
She knows you must learn to become a woman who…
Speaks truth to a world that has not,
Does not,
Honor and value her being.
A woman who prioritizes
Space and time for
Her ignition, excitement, and desire.
A woman who dares to please her
One, wild, amazing, layered, deep
And daring self, so
She can be more to others.
A woman who recognizes that
Change must come from within
Because the world is not
A safe haven for women,
And waiting for the tide to change
So she can finally be herself
Is not a viable or acceptable option.
Your amazing future self asks, When will you let yourself be YOU?
In all your audacious, hungry, lustful,
Brilliant, sexy, creative,
Ambitious, delightful, extravagant,
Tender, resilient too-muchness?
When will you toss away those labels?
Laugh at those judgments?
Shrug off those criticisms?
Stand tall in the face of those small opinions?
Know that no one can really know,
Understand, or be who and what you really are
Beyond the outdated expectations of a toxic society?
You are powerful. Beautiful. Unabashed.
Discerning. Vivacious. Self-determining.
Awake. Aware. And ALIVE.
In a world that is enamored with competition, suffering, war,
Destruction, and a limited definition of
Triumph and success,
You get to choose you.
You get to shine brightly and share your brilliance.
You get to choose who and what is and is not a part of your world.
You get to create the life you’ve always wanted to live.
You get to become the woman you’ve always wanted to be.
You get to rise above and move beyond
The war within,
And no longer house the conflicts
That keep you trapped, stuck,
And corralled in a space
You’ve long since outgrown.
You get to be Bold. Beautiful. Rested.
Courageous. Playful. Bright.
Nourished. Ever-changing.
And full of Joy.
You get to awaken into a vibrant new YOU
That lives truthfully, loves freely,
And honors herself and her life fully.
When will you let your life be your own?
When you decide it’s time.
When you say it is so.
When you choose to get busy living.
That is when.
And not until.
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