The Self-Honoring Woman
How to navigate challenging times like a Self-Honoring Woman
It’s really okay to let something shitty be shitty. Not everything has a purpose, or a meaning behind it. You don’t have to always be looking for the growth opportunity or even the silver lining. You don’t have to be strong, or suck it up, or even put your “game face”...
Not enough time and space for you? THIS needs to happen
One of the biggest things my clients struggle with is having enough time and space for themselves. The women I work with have big dreams and desires – some of which they are only just starting to admit are important to them. As they begin to explore the longing that’s...
What we need when we stay in situations that are hurting us
One client of mine was convinced she had to do more to be appreciated and better compensated at work. She had already been pulling 70 hour work weeks, taking on side projects, and saying ‘yes’ to things she knew were going to eat into her personal life. Her weight...
5 signs you’re ready to make a change
Change – whether we choose it, or it is thrust upon us – isn’t always pretty. In fact, most of the time it’s messy. It makes us feel vulnerable and ignites all of our defence mechanisms. Because being vulnerable can feel scary. There is a reason why so many of us...
Reclaiming your body: A powerful first step in becoming a Self-Honoring Woman
One of the most overlooked steps to becoming a Self-Honoring woman is to reclaim your body for yourself. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, you’re not alone! Most women don’t realize they have never fully claimed their bodies for themselves, or that it’s even...