Personal Stories
My Top Tips for Looking and Feeling Your Best This Holiday Season
Even if looking and feeling good are things that are important to you, there will be times when you’ll make choices that aren’t aligned with that priority. And, as you know all too well, the holidays are FULL of opportunities to step into misalignment!...
Loving You There, From Here: A 1-on-1 Call for YOU
As I’ve been going about my daily morning routine of getting quiet and connecting with myself (even if it’s for 5 minutes, it’s an essential part of my day), I wanted to reach out to you for a moment about something really important: YOU. I know very well what’s it’s...
What True Vitality & Energy Feels Like When You Haven’t Had It for Years
I took my son for a walk in nature last weekend, and all I could think about was how amazing and strong I felt – a far cry from where I’ve been in recent years with my health, energy and vitality. On that walk I reflected on what I’ve endured these past 3 years,...
My Tumultuous Year (and The Lessons I’ve Learned Along the Way)
It’s been quite a while since I’ve written. I’ve been moving through the most humbling, tumultuous, and demanding time of my life. I took time away to gain some much needed perspective, give myself every opportunity to receive some very good, deep rest, and find...
What I Do When Things Don’t Go According to Plan
Last week I wrote a very timely article to share my thoughts and insights with you about the then upcoming solar eclipse, and the recent happenings in Charlottesville, Virginia. For a handful of reasons, that article didn’t get sent out in time, and I was left feeling...