Personal Stories
Art school Assignment #1 – Collage!
Okay. Now I’m fighting my collage. It’s meant to represent a bridge from where I am now to where I want to be. I found some images that evoked the feelings I have about where I’ve been and am now, and some other images for where I want to go and be this year. But as I...
Just Take The Next Step
Our first assignment in Soul Art School is to create a collage that represents a bridge between where we’ve been, or a challenge we’ve been facing, and where we are going – what we are wanting beyond the challenge. As excited as I am about this art project, I’ve been...
A Gift To Myself
I’ve been busy planning on how I can set up a little studio space for myself in my home. It’s funny… for months and months I’ve been searching Pinterest for images of art studios and pinning like my life depends on it – even before I signed up for art school. And...
Inner Critic Be Damned – I’m Doing It Anyway
I just signed up for a year-long, non-traditional Art School experience. This is not a decision that came from my rational mind. Uh, no, not at all. Because that part of me is whispering things like, “It’ll be too much. Your plate is already full” And things like,...
Guilt Is A Sham. It’s Time To Reframe Feeling Good For Yourself!
Most women, for a myriad of reasons, just don’t let themselves feel good. Chances are you’re one of them. I definitely used to be. Here in the US, our culture values productivity and financial gain. And when it comes to women, we praise them for sacrificing themselves...