Personal Stories
My 5 Day Juice Fast
Yes, you read that right. 5 days of juice- only. What in the world would make me want to do something like this? Well, my journey with fasting began over 10 years ago, and I continue that journey today as a life and health promoting practice. I’ve been...
A Peek Into My Life
I’ve been getting “artsy” here. I pulled out my art paper and my colored pencils and drew a representation of what I feel eating raw foods does for my body. Please note this is an “artistic” rendering, so I’ve really only put my own imaginings on paper. I thought it...
Traveling In The Raw
My husband and I have traveled a lot in the last 4 years, so we’ve gotten creative with how to eat healthy and nearly 100% raw while we’re on the road- plane, train, boat, automobile…. you name it! Here are some tips and tricks we’ve been using...
A Peek Into My Life
During my holiday retreat from the world I took 7 days to really clear out a lot of clutter from my life and home. I spent about an hour every day going through paperwork, placing things in piles and carting bags of “stuff” to a local charity. So many people I know...