Personal Stories
A Peek Into My Life
In 2010 I became a gourmet raw food chef at the Living Light Culinary Arts Institute in California. During that amazingly intense and delicious time, I met and become very dear friends with Sequoia Cheney – the founder and creator of Wonderfully Raw Gourmet. Since...
A Peek Into My Life
You may have already guessed it, but you’ve haven’t heard a peep from me! I’ve been resting quietly with a pretty divine little secret, and I’ve decided that today is the perfect day to share my exciting news with you! I am pregnant… !!! Last year I created a pretty...
A Peek Into My Life
As I sit at my desk and type I’m looking out my office window at fresh snow and dreaming about another tropical retreat. I checked the weather App on my phone just now and it’s 25°F outside. I also looked up the temperature in Hawaii and it’s 77°F. This, in my mind...
A Peek Into My Life
More than anything, I’ve been saving my end-of-year “offline” time for the days I’ll be spending on the beach. I’m really excited about uplugging from the computer and cell phone, taking extended periods of time to read and journal and do not-much-of-anything. This...
10 Things That Up-Leveled My Life in 2014
In late December, after all of the gifts were wrapped, the stockings hung, the meals prepped and the travel complete, I sat down with a dear friend and we discussed the major themes that flavored our lives in 2014. I loved doing this because it placed the entire year...