Vitality, Beauty & Power
When your body feels like the enemy
How many times have you stood in front of a mirror, wishing your body was different? So many women are convinced that if they could just lose weight… Just stop eating so much… Just be more disciplined and have more willpower… Then everything would feel better. They...
Caffeine, cravings & exhaustion – sound familiar?
I spoke with a woman recently who wants to release about 30lbs. She is also struggling with fatigue. She wakes up, almost daily, feeling tired before the day has even begun. She chases that “awake” feeling with coffee, and she gets enough of a “lift” to feel like she...
Feeling off? Let’s fix that
Ever wake up feeling tired before the day has even begun? That morning cuppa helps, but only for a bit. Before you know it, you’re chasing energy and mental clarity throughout the day (*cue the coffee, tea, sugar, maté, chocolate, energy drink parade). And then,...
Stop the Food Confusion—Here’s What Actually Works
So many women are doing their best to eat “right”. They’re following the latest nutritional advice. They’re doing their best to balance their plates, make good choices, and not get caught up in dietary fads that create more harm than good. And yet… you may still feel...
What does your body want in 2025?
I’ve seen it countless times – everyone wants to get a jump start on their goals in January. And then by January 18th-ish, nearly everyone has either given in to inertia, or postponed their goals (maybe next year!), or changed their goals altogether. Contrary to what...