Sick of feeling exhausted, bloated, brainfoggy, and blue?
Get Things Moving with Alicia’s Go-To Green Smoothie
Plus 9 other recipes for Glowing Skin, Afternoon Energy & Post Indulgence Recovery
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As a Healthy Living Expert, Alicia specializes in helping women navigate and heal body challenges of all kinds, including…
Stubborn weight. Digestive issues. Hormone imbalances. Exhaustion. Constipation. Skin Issues. Embarrassing Bloat. Sluggishness. Mystery illnesses. Autoimmune conditions. Food and eating challenges. Chronic dieting.
And so much more.
You might be wondering where to begin.
A great place to start is with Alicia’s
Go-To Smoothie to Get Things Moving
The exact green smoothie Alicia uses and shares with her private clients to help relieve constipation, embarrassing bloat, sluggishness, and fatigue in minutes.
When your digestive system isn’t working like it should, your health suffers, and your confidence plummets.
What if you could feel better right now with
one 5-minute smoothie?
With my Go-To Smoothie guide, you get…
• A simple yet effective recipe to get things moving, and address the physical root of most body challenges
• 9 additional smoothie recipes for clearing brain fog, creating glowing skin, and overcoming afternoon energy slumps
• 10 Pro Tips for making the perfect green smoothie every time – no grass clippings here!
• What to do if you are concerned about eating too much fruit or limiting your carbs – and how to make the best decision for you.