Discover the most important and overlooked step to creating the freedom, joy, and most fulfilling life you can imagine
For whenever you’re being called to make a choice, or take a stand for who you know you’re meant to be and the life you know you’re meant to live.
At some point in every woman’s life she is called to make an inner shift – one that brings her closer to being all of who she is… even when it’s not who she was taught to be.
At some point in every woman’s life she is called to take a stand that brings her closer to living her truth…
This stand isn’t about proving yourself, becoming better than someone else, or feeling superior or inferior to the other women in the room.
Those are depleting games that drain your energy and everyone else’s too.
What I’m talking about is something much more essential and extraordinary.
I’m talking about shifting out of being a woman who…
Puts herself last
Pleases others at the expense of herself
Does her best not to take up too much room
Dims her light to avoid outshining anyone else
Depletes herself trying to be who she was taught to be
To being…
A woman who loves and accepts herself as she is – body, heart, mind and soul
A woman who honors her inner wisdom over the expectations and opinions of others
A woman who knows that being true to herself is where her fulfillment and happiness reside
A woman who shamelessly chooses to be who she was born to be
A woman who holds herself in the highest regard even though she’s been taught otherwise

Inner shifts like these don’t happen overnight, nor are they a one-and-done kind of event.
They require a deep level of desire and devotion for the transformation that wants to take place.
Every transformation begins with one very simple, very important, and frequently overlooked step.
Do you want to learn it for yourself?

I’ve created a beautiful and rich document that’s meant to remind you of this essential step.
You can download it and reference it for yourself again and again, whenever you’re being called to make a choice, or take a stand for who you know you’re meant to be and the life you know you’re meant to live.
You can access it for yourself in the link below.
Meet Alicia
Alicia Morrow helps amazing women shed the conditioning and pain that has kept them small, stuck and depleted so that they can connect to their inner wisdom, live inspired, joyful lives and be the version of themselves they’ve always dreamed of being. This is what she knows is possible, and it’s what she wants for you.