Learn the ultimate life skill from 12 women who faced their fear and chose their truth… and discover how you can too!
12 Inspiring Stories of Women Who Chose Themselves When the Stakes Were High
For the past 35 years I’ve been asking the same question: Why is it that so many women become consumed and overwhelmed by their circumstances and lives, while others – not many, but some – seem to be able to turn hardship, setbacks and difficulty into… excitement, magic and an opportunity for expansion?
What do these women know that the majority of women don’t?
What’s their secret?
How are they doing that?
And how can I have that, too?
(Keep reading… I share what I learned below + how to get your free copy of inspiring stories that show you how to make your life more extraordinary, magical and fulfilling!)
It doesn’t matter who you are, this thing called life is not easy.
Change of any kind is difficult, especially when you lack the skills to navigate it all without losing yourself, and your sanity in the process.
The ability to manage life’s ups and downs with power, presence and poise was never taught or modeled to me, and as a result I struggled long and hard for many, many years.
Truthfully, I longed for what I saw these other women do with their lives.
I wanted to feel confident and powerful – in my own skin and in every area of my life.
I wanted to experience the magic I saw these other women create in their lives.
I yearned for their level of self-trust, self- love and self-knowledge.
I aspired to become a woman who could not, would not be stopped, no matter what.
So, I studied. I read. I worked with coaches. I dove deep into my own shadows, fears, unconscious operating systems and outdated beliefs.
Through my own dedication and burning curiosity I learned that becoming a woman who lives with passion and purpose, a woman who becomes more and more alive and inspired as she moves through life, comes down to one ultimate life skill:
Continuously and courageously choosing yourself
Because women are taught, from a very young age, to…
Care for others
Mistrust their bodies
Do it themselves
Center others
Put their happiness in other people’s hands
Put themselves last
Prove their worth
Doubt their needs
Question their inner knowing
Postpone their own pleasure
Feel guilty for feeling good
Give more than receive
… we inevitably feel, to some degree, powerless, consumed and defeated by our lives.
We’re trained to be self-less, and to do everything we can to avoid being self-centered, self-serving and selfish.
We’re taught to give and give and give – and to somehow find happiness amidst our depletion, exhaustion and overwhelm.
This is why choosing yourself is a revolutionary act.
This is why so few women, up until now, have consistently chosen themselves again, and again, and again.
It seems less scary and far easier to maintain the status quo and simply tolerate the things you’ve always lived with – even if you’re not really happy, you’re not really living your life, and you’re not really being true to you.
But is it really easier?
The price of feeling good in our own lives starts to feel too high.
I’ve seen this dynamic play out for myself, my friends and colleagues, and my clients in relationships, business partnerships, earning potential, health outcomes and sexual enjoyment. I’ve witnessed all of the ways women fight and negotiate with themselves around whether or not it’s actually okay to feel good.
I’ve walked through this dynamic myself, time and time again, and I’ve learned a lot along the way.
From where I stand today, I can honestly say that being true to myself has completely transformed and created healing in every area of my life – in my health, my relationships, as a parent, in my professional life, my finances, my sexuality, my self-esteem and in how I see myself, too.
When a woman stops listening to the truth that’s in her heart and instead plays the role of the good girl, the dutiful wife, the good mother, she starts to erase vital and essential parts of who she is.
In that process of erasure, she withers on the inside.
She loses connection with herself and what’s really important to her.
She ends up living someone else’s idea of what her life should be.
There are a lot of repercussions to living life this way.
Women become overwhelmed, exhausted and burned out.
We become bitter, brittle, angry, depressed and resentful.
We look outside of ourselves for happiness because we feel powerless to create it for ourselves.
Our entire lives and everyone in them start to reinforce and perpetuate the pattern and status quo.
And so, the idea of leaving, of stepping out of that role, of changing anything or doing things differently – so that we can feel more alive! – starts to feel too monumental, too terrifying, and too costly.
That’s because choosing yourself is the greatest act of courage and generosity that I know of.
When I started consistently choosing myself, I stopped seeking permission, validation, love and happiness from the people in my life and I started giving it to myself FIRST instead.
As a result, my life has been completely reshaped and reformed in every imaginable way.
I know I’m not the only woman who has wondered what the secret to living a conscious, inspired and purposeful life is.
I know there is a silent hunger inside of women for more living examples of what it is to be a vibrant, beautiful and powerful woman in the world today.
I believe this hunger is only growing, especially with everything that’s happening in the world right now, and with so much of the heavy load landing on women’s backs.
I am seeing more and more women heeding an inner call and feeling ready to start choosing themselves, even if they don’t know why or how or what things will look like on the other side.
They just know they must. They know their very lives depend on it.
I believe with my whole heart that when women honor and trust themselves enough to choose what is true and right for them, that they become better versions of themselves.
They’re able to be more present, patient and loving with those around them.
When women are true to themselves it brings the world into a balance and harmony that I believe is desperately needed today.
For those of us who desire to see change in our lives and to see real change in the world, it’s simply no longer an option to not choose ourselves.
This is one of the reasons I’m so excited to present
The Art of Choosing Yourself When the Stakes Are High storybook to you.
I’ve brought 12 of the wisest, most courageous, heart-centered, and amazing women together to share some of their most powerful life turning points and stories with you.
You’ll discover a library of inspiring stories that highlight the remarkable gift that choosing yourself truly is.
I’ve also included a bonus section with 3 Life Changing Truths to help you start choosing yourself today from a place of clarity, wisdom, and permission.
The world needs your truth and greatness now, more than ever.
We need the real you to shine her light, share her gifts and live her life as fully and beautifully as she can.
May this storybook speak to, inspire and encourage the part of you that knows she is – YOU are – meant for greatness.
I know this will deeply serve you. You can access it at the link below.